The memorable oath of the bride and groom

Now it's not very popularhold conventional, classic wedding ceremonies. The future husband and wife are trying their best to remember this solemn day for the guests and for them. In this article, we will not give examples of the most original wedding scenarios, but find out what the oath of the bride and groom given during the ceremony should be.

oath of the bridegroom and bride

Words that have been spoken for centuriesall the brothers, at some point lost their relevance, so now it's so fashionable to say something original, a little non-standard, but really exciting and memorable. In general, there is no such tradition in Russia as an obligatory oath of the bride and groom. This nice custom came to us from European countries, where Catholics swear in church before the Most High that they will love each other and remain faithful in any situation. The Orthodox Church denies this, referring to the fact that our Creator gave the covenant: "Do not swear." Therefore, the oath of the bride and groom was introduced already by the organizers of weddings, who tried to make the solemn day for the young more exciting and touching. Therefore, no such force will have such an oath: neither spiritual nor legal. But it's so nice to say it and to hear the same in return!

oath of the bridegroom

Where can I find approximate words that containthe oath of the bride and groom? Now this is not such a problem. There is a huge number of wedding agencies, where professional "stihoplets" in a moment will write you what you need. But the question is different: will the memorized vow of the groom's bride sound so sincere and unrepeatable, as words from the heart would be said? And who, besides yourself, knows best those secret strings of each other's soul, which are so important to touch? Therefore, if you want to observe the new tradition, then try to come up with these long-awaited words yourself.

What does the groom's oath include? It should consist of three parts. The first is the sounding of the fact that the bride is so loved and dear to the young man that he decided to live with her all his life. Naturally, all this should be expressed in the most perfect form. The second is the part that should make you believe in your sincerity, not only the bride herself, but all those around her. Prove to them that you really treasure this person and never offend or betray her. The third is the commitment itself, which must contain an oath. It is not necessary to reduce everything to excessive seriousness, obligations can be expressed in a joking manner, for example, "I will not scold for new boots worth half a year's family budget," "I promise to let go to hen parties at least once a week," and so on. This symbolic addition of three parts is also suitable for compiling a vow of a bride to the groom.

oath of the bridegroom

To somehow diversify a fairly primitiveretelling the words of love, you can "dilute" the entire procedure with a comic "sacrifice" of something (tearing your favorite T-shirt that did not like the other half). You can also compose the hymn of your new family and sing it, build a flag or a coat of arms and many other things. There are a lot of ideas, so do not be lazy, approach the situation with all seriousness and humor, then the wedding will really be the main event in your life! Advice you to love!

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