Erosion in pregnancy: treat or not treat?

Very often pregnant women facesuch a disease as erosion of the cervix. When erosion is diagnosed during pregnancy, expectant mothers immediately experience panic and anxiety. However, few know that the disease is inherently reddening of the mucous membrane of the cervix, which passes in a few weeks. Often, under erosion, many mean a certain mucosal defect, which is called ectopia or pseudo-erosion. Therefore, you need to correctly diagnose to prescribe adequate treatment.

Erosion in pregnancy occurs very oftenbecause one of the reasons for its development are the hormonal failures that occur during the child's bearing. However, among the factors leading to the development of this disease, there are also mechanical damage or excess body weight. Meanwhile, erosion may appear in girls who do not live sexually. This is a consequence of the inflammatory process caused by infection of the genital tract.

It is widely believed that if a woman does notgave birth, treat erosion is not recommended, in particular, you can not use the method of cauterization. This is due to the fact that the cervix will not open well, complications may arise during childbirth. However, now there are many methods of treatment, the use of which does not bring unpleasant consequences during childbirth. Meanwhile, pregnancy after cauterization of erosion (if you chose this method of treatment) should come no sooner than in a couple of months. Cervix and menstrual cycle during this time will be restored. But in each specific case it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is possible that the doctor will recommend not to treat erosion in this way, but leave it until the postpartum period. After all, the probability of complications still exists.

This disease is characterized by the fact thata long period may not show any signs of its development. Therefore, a woman should regularly be examined by a specialist twice a year. If you did not have time to do it, and erosion during pregnancy was diagnosed for the first time, it is undesirable, but quite solvable, and should not cause any special concern. Many women think that this disease can adversely affect the development of the fetus. However, this is a delusion. Negative influence can still appear, but directly during childbirth. This is due to the fact that the elasticity of the cervix is ​​reduced and it is damaged, and sometimes even torn.

Erosion in pregnancy, according to doctors, is notrequires medical intervention, because after cauterization scars often remain, which gives an extremely painful effect in childbirth. And the healing after this procedure takes a long time. Even if the treatment is carried out with the help of laser coagulation, it will also be difficult to give birth in this case. Erosion in pregnancy is treated, as a rule, in two ways: it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its occurrence (then it usually passes by itself) or it is necessary to remove the defect of the uterus by means of moxibustion, coagulation or cryodestruction. However, the latter method is recommended to use when the disease is widespread and a large amount of damage caused.

It is important to remember that erosion of the cervix needsmust be cured, otherwise it can develop into a dysplasia, which can develop into an oncological disease. Therefore, choosing the treatment option after the birth, do not delay it for a long time, but seek help in the first months after them. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will recover!

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