Choose a bamboo blanket: reviews and consumer advice.

Blanket - an indispensable thing in everyday lifeeach person regardless of age, income, rank. Since childhood, a light warm blanket serves as a reliable protection against all adversities, problems and "babayek." If it is of high quality, it helps to relax, rest and gives your home comfort and comfort.

bamboo blanket reviews

The modern market offers wide enoughchoice of blankets, differing fillers, which determine its properties. Each species has its pros and cons. If you are on fire buying a new blanket and are at a loss with a wide choice in stores, we suggest that you pay attention to the bamboo blanket, reviews about which are only positive.

Bamboo filling stands out among the restin that it is an environmentally friendly material with excellent air circulation. Instantly absorbing and evaporating moisture, relieves its owner from problems with perspiration.

blanket bamboo reviews
Bamboo blanket (consumer reviews of italways positive) by means of regulation of temperature and humidity creates the microclimate suitable for you. By circulating air and removing moisture, the porous structure of bamboo fiber (outwardly similar to cotton wool), promotes comfortable rest under any climatic conditions.

Buy a bamboo blanketfamily asthmatics or allergic, since natural fiber does not cause reactions and irritations (in the process of cultivation, chemical fertilizers are not used, production is environmentally safe for 100%). In addition, filling the blanket has a high antibacterial property, fighting with many bacteria in a natural way: it hinders their growth, restricts the formation of mold and dust. The deodorizing effect of bamboo filler eliminates the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

About blanket bamboo reviews are quiteoften, however it is worth remembering that before using it it is necessary to spread it in a dry, warm room for 5-6 hours to saturate the air and acquire the original splendor and elasticity. There are no difficulties in taking care of such a blanket. It simply needs to be ventilated periodically in a dry room in the spread form for 6-7 hours.

If the blanket is contaminated for some reason,possible dry (vacuum cleaner), or wet (dry cleaning), or ordinary washing. Possessing good strength and durability, a bamboo blanket (consumers' reviews speak in favor of choosing it) well tolerates repeated washing and drying, while retaining all its properties: it does not lose shape, size and color.

buy bamboo blanket

Blankets with bamboo fill are divided into three types: winter, universal and lightweight.

Winter blankets with filling in the ratio of 300 g / m2 designed for very cold winters, suitable for people who are very sensitive to low temperatures.

Universal (all-season) have a ratio of 200 g of filler per square meter. Are intended for any weather - in the summer under them it is dry and cool, in the winter - it is dry and warm.

Lightweight thin blankets (100 g / m2) are practically weightless, designed for hot weather.

Acquiring a bamboo blanket (consumer reviewsoften taken as fundamental), you can be sure that sleep can be healthy, strong and productive. In addition, this is a great gift for friends and family.

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