Dog: how many years does this animal live

A person often gets a dog,how much she can live. But the life of our beloved pets is very short, especially compared to ours. Sometimes there are real tragedies, because eventually they become full-fledged members of the family, and their death strikes a serious blow to the household, especially children. Let's try to figure out which dog lives for how many years. After all, it depends on the breed, the size of the animal, and the conditions of life.

dog how many years live
We should know that the growing up of this animaloccurs very quickly. Life expectancy directly depends on such factors as nutrition, ecology, breed and predisposition to diseases. And the opinion of some people that it is possible to equate the age of a dog with a human, multiplying the first by seven, is mistaken. It's not like that at all.

Let's answer a specific question: "How many years does the dog live?" The average duration varies from 12 to 15 years. The peak of development is 3-5 years. And the old age of our beloved pets comes in 7 years. At the same time, their lifestyle changes. The way it varies depends on the breed. Small animals prefer silence to games, try to sleep more. Hunting is markedly worsened by hearing and smell. The males have trouble urinating. All this is reflected in their character, often for the worse.

how many years live dog mongrel
Many are interested in specific breeds of animals. For example, how many years live the dogs of a sheepdog? They do not belong to long-livers, their average term is 9-11 years. But small chihuahuas live 15-17 years, lap-dogs - 18-20. That is, the size of the animal and its breed has a direct bearing on our question. To small dogs the nature, so it turns out, took more time than the big one.

To a large extent,how long you will be pleased with the dog. How old is the pet? This is laid in the beginning of his life's path. Care, care, provision of high-grade and high-quality food - all this is of great importance.

Most often pets leave this worldwithout haste and fuss, quietly. But it happens that they are seriously ill and suffer greatly. In this case it is recommended to put the animal to sleep. From this all will be only better. This is even to some extent our duty.

how old do dogs live?

And now about how old the dogs livethe pooch. We all understand that there is no such breed. The Dwarves are a community of dogs, which consists of a variety of breeds. Therefore, they are all so diverse, unlike each other. They differ in character, suit, and size. They share one feature - gratitude. After all the wanderings, the courtyard dog especially appreciates the human participation.

How many years has she lived in her difficult conditions? The average indicator for physiological capabilities is not different from the others - 9-12 years. Some long-livers with normal nutrition and good conditions last up to 20 years. But the main part of the mongrels eats from garbage containers, has constant contacts with sick relatives, and not only with them. As a result, dogs often get sick like a plague: only one contact is enough. Homemakers are vaccinated, and domestic workers are deprived of this, so they rarely live to the advanced age.

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