We need to constantly take care of the kids and theirdevelopment. For this purpose, loving parents use various creative games, and, of course, ask puzzles for their beloved daughters and sons. Riddles about dolls can be thought up independently or read in ready-made sources. Such rebuses will appeal to both boys and girls.
Take inspiration and take note of the following creations.
1. It is soft, it can be hard.
There is a silent, sometimes speaking.
She likes shiny dresses very much.
2. Different height, different dressed.
They sleep and play like children.
3. There are black people, they are white-faced.
Suits are sewn and knitted.
You can put them to bed,
And you can feed.
Then go to the street
And together there to cheat.
4. And who you dress up,
You feed, do you play fun?
Sleep lay, nurse
If you get sick - you treat.
Who is this,
Smart and funny?
5. You have so many
The house of similar sisters is full.
There are also their hands, and their feet,
Eyes bright and eyebrows.
With these girlfriends,
Like with soft toys.
Feel free to play, eat, walk.
6. You know her well,
She lives in your house.
It looks like real,
How to eat wants - calls.
And she sleeps often with you,
The child is yours.
Come on, let's go with you.
Her name will be announced.
Rhymed, poetic versions are very popular with children of different ages. But there are still wonderful puzzles about dolls in prose. They can be composed by parents independently or subtracted in the network:
Think up for a kid or baby an interesting encouragement in case the child guessed the riddles about the dolls. Thus, you increase your motivation and increase your interest in pursuing classes.
The child will appreciate your efforts andpreparation for classes. Children love to spend time with their dearest and dearest people, so the process of guessing problems will leave an exceptionally good and vivid impression.
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