An amazing breed of cats. Scapular Scotsman

Scottish fold or lop-eared Scot hascharacteristic of this breed is the structure of the auricles, which are located forward and down. The gene mutation caused such an unusual structure of the ears of these animals. Initially, many folds had long wool, and for a long time the standard was not derived for them. Only in 1993, the standard for this breed was adopted in America.

For the breeding of a healthy breed of cats,cross only with Scottish Strights to avoid violations in the locomotor apparatus. This was proven by research conducted by US geneticists. Breeders strictly follow the recommendations received, providing good health to the folds.

The variety of colors as monochrome,multi-color, and striped is traced in this breed. The wool is elastic, elastic, dense, soft to the touch. They are strong cats, of a harmonious constitution, of medium size, their ears are widely set, and their ends are cute hanging down. Eyes large, round. A powerful, squat trunk, thick, not long, pointed to the end of the tail - this is a typical Scot lop-eared.

For the first time in 2012, the long-haired representatives of this breed won their recognition. A total of three standards have been developed for this breed.

The Fold Scotsman has a balancedcharacter, he is strongly attached not only to the house, but also to the person. The voice of the cats of this breed is not quite normal, slightly squeaky. A characteristic feature of these cute little animals is that they easily stand on the hind limbs, like meerkats, when they need to consider something, but in the usual position is not visible. Folded Scotsman sometimes sleeps on his back, which looks very funny.

At a young age, the lop-eared kittens are very playful, tame, give in to training. At exhibitions with them, often perform.

Scot Lop-eared does not cause much troubleits owners, it is very easy to accustom to scratching, so you can be calm for your furniture set. They can play perfectly with children, although they are slightly shy when the noise level rises. They can occasionally watch watching TV, this entertainment they like.

From the age of 3-4 months old kittens are fully adapted to social communication and are ready for independent living. This is the most optimal age, when they are recommended to take in a family with children.

With proper upbringing, the lop-eared Scot is notscrapes, as this is a non-aggressive breed. At rough treatment to it, it simply leaves aside. They are very calm animals with a pretty face. Perfect pet in the house!

Very unpretentious breed of Scottish Fold,care for it is not difficult. They like to be near their master, and the spring "vocals" will not bother you. Very good companions for young children. In addition, they are very caring and loving parents. If there is any other animal in the family, the Scottish fold will certainly make friends with him.

They are very seasoned and calm animals, they never have panic attacks at exhibitions, they do not create problems when traveling and moving, in unfamiliar places.

A wonderful breed of Scottish Fold. Caring for her is often limited only to good nutrition, and, of course, a large portion of love - for them it is the only requirement.

There is an opinion that an overabundance in the bodyCalcium cat has a negative effect on the formation of the right auricle. In any case, the overabundance of vitamins and trace elements, like their lack, have a negative effect on the organism of any creature, including cats.

As a cat owner, you should know thatThe main source of calcium entering the body is dairy products. Do not forget that some animals do not tolerate lactose, they may have an intestinal disorder. The milk consumption rate for a cat, normally carrying milk sugar, is no more than 15 ml of milk per 1 kg of weight. Cats - the animal is not inclined, unlike dogs, to overeating, they will not consume more milk than they need. Remember that with the right and balanced nutrition your cat will always be healthy and in a good mood.

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