Why does the kid not want a pacifier, and how to teach a child to the nipple?

how to teach a child to the nipple
The birth of a child is a joyful event in eachfamily. This is the beginning of a new life in which a great responsibility for the health of the baby is placed on the shoulders of young parents. They must understand his needs and provide all the most necessary for comfort. In the first months of the child's life, there are quite a few questions to care for: whether to support breastfeeding, whether to teach the baby to the nipple, whether to feed from a bottle and other equally important issues.

Parents' opinions about the training of children toDummies vary. Some young mothers, opponents of the nipple, still change their minds in the event that the child can not calm down for quite a long time. However, to decide to give the baby a nipple is not everything. Some parents are faced with the problem of how to teach the child to the nipple, if they offer him, and he is taking it.

to teach the child to the nipple
Perhaps, many (if not all) know that in the firstyear of life, when the child is nervous, it can be soothed by sucking. Just pull in the mouth, he can as a pacifier, and his pen. If this is so, then it is even more difficult to save him from such a habit, since a finger or a cam can not be hidden like a pacifier. There are cases when young parents are thinking: how to teach the child to the nipple, to distract him from the finger?

Of course, you can calm down the vagaries of a child,offering him a breast, but not always it is realistic to do. In public places a dummy is simply irreplaceable. Many people are faced with the problem of dressing babies, they do not really like this process, because it is associated with negative emotions, and here the nipple can also help. When the kids play on the playground, they will definitely try to taste the raised stone. Assistant-dummy and here will be very handy.

Trying to answer the question of how to teach a childto the nipple, it is worth first to understand why he refuses to take it? The reasons are different. For example, this may not be the appropriate size: since the pacifiers vary in shape and volume, they need to be selected depending on the age of the baby. Recommendations for use should be read on the label. There are also various forms. Recently, the orthodontics are popular, which contribute to the development of the right bite.

how to teach a child to a bottle
And, perhaps, the last thing that can servecause of failure, is the material from which the nipple is made. There are two possibilities - a common and well-known to our parents latex or novelty - silicone. Everyone has their own preferences.

But what to do if, it would seem, allhave tried: both forms, and the sizes, and a material, and the youngster remains and categorically is against. How to teach a child to a nipple when he flatly refuses? In this case, the experience of our parents will be very helpful. It is necessary to dummy a dummy in breast milk, the taste and smell familiar to the child from the first moments of his life will play a role. You can also try this option: during feeding, when the baby begins to fall asleep, replace the breast with a nipple.

Coping with this dilemma, moms sometimesface another - how to teach the child to a bottle. In this case, too, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the material from which the capacitance and nipple is made. The smell and taste of the plastic may very negatively affect the desire of the baby to use it. Along with plastic bottles, there are glass bottles, which in some cases are much better.

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