What are the types of aquarium catfish?

In nature there are about 2000 species of catfish. Most of this is freshwater fish (only one percent lives in seawater). Types of aquarium catfish, which number about 800, can have a variety of sizes, as well as color and requirements for living conditions. Their common distinctive feature is the absence of scales and a bottom way of life.

types of aquarium catfish
Many varieties are covered with horny platesand thorns. Another external feature that characterizes these fish is the presence of antennae and sometimes special suckers, with which they are retained on stones during strong currents. Catfish can be both calm and well getting along with other fish, and aggressive.

At the moment, the most popular among amateurs are such kinds of aquarium catfish as brocaded pterygoicht, agamyss of white-spotted and somers-upturn. Further we will consider in detail their habits.

Brocaded Pterygoicht

aquarium fish catfish species
This catfish can be quite large (30cm). Therefore, for its maintenance it will be necessary to purchase a sufficiently large aquarium - at least 100 liters. This catfish feeds mainly on plant food, but sometimes it should be given to him and pipe man or bloodworm. From time to time, it may exhibit some aggression towards its own species or other large fish, but not to those living in the middle and upper layers of the aquarium.


This is almost the most interesting aquarium fish. Soma, the species of which swim upward by the belly, are called perekvertyshami (or sinodontisami). On the bottom, this species moves in the usual way. Such fish live up to 10 years and can grow up to 10 cm. This catfish can be planted in an aquarium with a volume of 50 liters.

Agamixis white-spotted

catfish aquarium species photo
This catfish, perhaps more often than any other speciesis found in aquariums of amateurs. Although these fish grow to only 10 cm, it is best to keep them in containers with a volume of at least a hundred liters. Feed these fish can be both plant foods and animals.

Features of content and reproduction

All kinds of aquarium catfish - cleaners in theirnature, as they collect from the bottom of the remains of fodder, eaten by other fish. When they are kept in a mandatory manner, it is necessary to use equipment such as filters and aerators. In search of food, these fish dig the soil, and therefore raise a huge amount of soil particles. As a result, the water becomes completely turbid. The most suitable type of aquarium for catfish is with a wide bottom and well-rooted vegetation. Be sure to equip a variety of shelters - to bury the ceramic pipes in the ground and make caves of stones.

Usually, as the spawning grounds, tanksvolume of about 30 liters. In the aquarium should put plexiglass or a bunch of grass (which will be laid and caviar) and run the female and three males. All types of aquarium catfish require special conditions for breeding. It is best if the water temperature remains at the level of +280 FROM. For a successful result, it is also necessary to withstand neutral acidity (6-7 pH). The incubation period can last for about 1 to 10 days. However, in most of the most common varieties, fry are usually removed on day 3 after the female lays eggs. Above, on this page - catfishes are aquarium. Species, photos of which you can see, are named as follows: brocade pterygopluster, catfish-flip-flopper, agamixis white-spotted (from top to bottom).

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