Shepherd dog - the best assistant of the cattle breeder

As you know, dogs have been tamed by a man yetin the era of the primitive communal system. Then they were used for hunting. But in the Bronze Age, when people began to engage in farming and cattle breeding, the requirements for the four-pronged companions changed somewhat. At the new stage, they were required, first of all, to protect livestock from predators. In different parts of the earth, independently of each other, attempts have been made to develop watchful qualities in pets. Thus, the shepherd dog was bred.

Dog Shepherd

The appearance, size and color of these breeds is verydiffer from each other. Collie, Shetland and German Shepherd, Australian Kelpie, Moody, Welsh Corgi, Bernese Mountain Dog are just a small part of the long list of breeds of shepherd dogs. They are united by one. At the genetic level, the animal patronizes the herds assigned to it, is betrayed to the master, distrustful of outsiders and fiercely ready to guard flocks. The shepherd dog is an invaluable assistant to the pastoralist. Without it, it would simply be impossible to see for all animals, correctly direct them, adjust the laggards.

Based on natural conditions, relief, climateThe areas where the herds are grazing depend on the requirements for the assistant. For example, kelpie, or Australian shepherd dog, was bred for plains and prairies. The eyes of this dog are arranged in such a way that they can cover as much space as possible, without even turning their heads. To drive up the straggler sheep was called a cattle dog, or healer. This breed was also brought out on the Southern continent. Portuguese Shepherds and Pyrenean Pathos were created for the distillation of cattle in mountainous conditions.

Dog shepherd breed

But the Old English bobtails were bred forprotection of cow herds and protection from especially large predators. These fighting qualities caused the breed to cease to be shepherd soon and was used to protect the home. Approximately the same perturbations occurred with other races of dogs that once grazed cattle. The Scottish collie shepherd dog and her miniature copy of Shelty for her mind and unusually good-natured disposition became full-fledged inhabitants of cities. Miniature Entlebucher Mountain Dog also became a companion dog.

Shepherd dog sheep

Its original purpose is stillremained faithful to the patu, or Pyrenean shepherd dog. The breed is fully adapted to the harsh climate of the mountainous terrain. She is hardy at distilling sheep, is able to make independent decisions, strong enough to repel the attack of large predators - wolves and bears. Huge, snow-white, with thick fur, which, by the way, has the property of self-cleaning, clever and inventive, it has become the ancestor of the current Landseer and Newfoundland.

The Pyrenean Shepherd has such thick fur,which is completely invulnerable under all weather conditions. Small ears hang from a large triangular head. The standard requires an irreproachably white suit, beige, gray, and spots are not allowed. An intensive edge of the collar, paws, and tail is also needed. The latter should be with a "suspension", long, saber-shaped, slightly dangling. A shepherd dog can show distrust to outsiders, but not aggression or cowardice.

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