Day of laughter or Fools' Day

In Russia and around the world, laughter day is considerednational holiday. On April 1, during the First World War, a French aircraft began circling the camp of German troops. He circled, roared, and at the end dropped a large bomb. Frightened Germans rushed in different directions with astonished faces. But no explosion occurred, and when the smoke disappeared, they noticed on the "bomb" a bright inscription: "From the 1st April!"

day of laughter

This rally is considered one of the most famous. Another Day of laughter is considered by many to be the Day of Fools. All over the world this holiday is celebrated only 1 day, we also give it a whole month of April. All this is due to the fact that our national hero is Ivan the Fool. To blame an ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation for some kind of stupidity will be completely unfair. Such heroes as Danila the Master and the Lefty are also our pride. But where did these characters come from, which were invented not by the authors, but by the people themselves?

With the hero Ivan the fool, our womencompare almost the entire masculine gender. This character is a healthy and young man who can build and plow, but he is lazy and not purposeful, so he can only lie on the stove. Favorite thing of the national hero - fishing flies. Therefore April 1 is considered our national holiday.

day of laughter script

Jokes on the Internet

Very interestingly made fun of herusers on Google's Laughter Day, informing them that YouTube's video hosting will cease to function. But they did not stop there, they offered their users to feel this or that aroma with the help of a mobile phone or a computer. The authors of the rally offered to choose the smell, to bring a special device to the nose and sniff it.

On the Day of Laughter, even the weather decided to joke aboutMuscovites. Instead of the long-awaited sun, they had to spend the day under wet snow. But nothing can be done about the weather, but many citizens of the Russian Federation have to be punished for their inappropriate jokes. There are people who report false information about the state of emergency. And no one will simplify this punishment, it was stated in the very Interior Ministry on the Day of Laughter. The scenario for celebrating is best developed with consideration of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The police will not spare anyone

The Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that on April 1, the totalthe number of false calls increases dramatically. And, of course, employees will respond to all calls, but phone jokers will have to answer for their actions according to the law. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow region clarified that it will not be difficult to detect this person, since the phone number is always determined automatically, and the conversation is recorded. Police officers advise not to joke in this way, as criminal charges are foreseen for false calls. Article 207 of the Criminal Code provides for punishment for knowingly false reports of a terrorist act. Punishment in this case may be imprisonment for up to three years.

April 1 is the day of laughter

Who else can not sneer at?

April 1 - Day of laughter, in which sociologists do notrecommend joking at the prophets and saints. You should not also laugh at official symbols, including flags, coats of arms, music and hymn words. It is also not recommended to mock the portraits of the leaders of the state.

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