What should I do if my baby can not go to the toilet?

A child is happiness, and we try to makeall that he was comfortable and comfortable. However, it sometimes happens that sometimes a baby can not go to the toilet. Naturally, this gives him a lot of discomfort and pain. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem urgently. However, first you need to understand the reasons for this state of the baby.

a baby can not go to the toilet
The causes of constipation in infants may bedifferent. For example, it is not uncommon for a child to go to the toilet, because he is nervous or stressed. In addition, lead to this condition can impair digestive function of the intestine, as well as too hard food.

If an infant can not go to the toilet,it means that it does not eat properly or receives little liquid. Since infants are mainly breastfed, they get all the necessary substances for their normal growth and development with their mother's milk. However, the intestines of the baby are not yet fully formed, and any violation of the diet by the mother will entail problems.

causes constipation in infants
Sometimes the reason that an infant is notcan go to the toilet is to find it outside the home. Since in this case the faeces accumulate and are harvested in the intestine, it is difficult for him to go outside. In addition, it can promote rupture and thin rectal tissues. Constipation also often occurs when the baby starts to try hard food, that is, turns to lure. In this case, carefully monitor the frequency of the stool. The child must go to the toilet at least once a day.

So, if you notice that your babycan not go to the toilet, try not to panic. First, determine the symptoms of disturbances in the baby. Among them can be identified such: flatulence, the lack of stool for several days, the difficulties and pain during the release of feces. In addition, a baby can have blood from the anus. And the child may not have any gases. In these cases, you should always consult a doctor.

constipation in an infant
If you notice constipation in an infant,treatment should be quick and effective. First of all, do a massage of the abdominal cavity, which will help improve the performance of the stomach. Next, you need to adjust the diet, which must be enriched with fiber. Try to dopaivat child with simple water. With sufficiently strong constipation, it is recommended to give the baby harmless laxatives, for example, "Gutallax".

It is also necessary to form a habit of regularvisiting the toilet. Try to occupy the child with cheerful mobile games, as long sitting can also provoke constipation. Try also to enrich the baby's nutrition with probiotics, which help the intestines restore their work.

In the most severe case, one should turn todoctor and make the child an enema. However, an experienced specialist must put it, since amateur performance can be fraught with ruptures of the large intestine. After eliminating constipation, take all measures so that the child does not have any painful sensations, and his stool is adjusted.

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