Mysteries about carrots for children. Ideas how to take a child (for adults)

The smallest kindergartners do not take too muchsimply, especially if they are big fidgets. But the game form of developing activities allows you to cope even with the most active and naughty kids. Mysteries about carrots are in great demand, because many orange babies love this orange sweet vegetable. And, of course, they know what it looks like.

riddles about carrots

Riddles for preschoolers (5-6 years)

At this age, children already usually understand metaphors and comparisons well enough, so riddles about carrots can abound in them. For example, in such cases:

  • Fox from a mink is dragged,

Yes, for a curly crest,

It feels smooth to the touch,

On the taste - well, sugar! Sweet.

  • They planted fire in the ground, but smoke remained in the street.
  • In the earth with his nose, and with his tail on the street.
  • The red girl in the dug-out sits, she moves with the oblique wind.

And such examples can be chosen a lot, and most importantly- literally on the move, riddles about carrots do not need to think carefully, the simpler - the better. Kids will be happy with such charge for the mind, which is not only cognitive, but also interesting. Especially if in passing to tell the children about why the tops are compared with a scythe or tail, and the carrots with a red girl.

a riddle about carrots for children

Riddles about carrots for the youngest (2-4 years)

With these babies it is worth to be more attentive, theirknowledge is not yet too great to compare vegetables with animate objects (people), so the tasks can be simpler. Mysteries about carrots can come up with such a plan:

  • She is all green on top, all orange underneath, just pull it out and wash it.
  • I have a tuft, it's green like a bun. I'm sweet, like sugar, red as an orange, just pull it out and clean it.
  • Although in the country, at least in the garden, I can meet if my mother and father planted me cautiously. The tail is curly, the head is red, crunchy and sweet. Who am I?

Of course, to make it easier for kids to navigate, you can theme them in advance thematically on the wall or take a suitable picture in your hands.

How to play at home?

Riddle about carrots for children should not besupercomplex. And to force the baby to solve, too, can not. Therefore, it is possible during the execution of household chores, when a child is necessarily curling up somewhere near him, to ask him such problems for ingenuity. He will be interested in determining what kind of red girl is, who is stuck in the ground and waits until her tail is removed from there. And the parents themselves will be interested in inventing such charades for their child.

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