"Haggis" (diapers): assortment and reviews

Diapers are one of the first things thatbuy happy relatives as a gift to a newborn baby. Today it is very difficult to imagine how our parents did without these hygienic means. Constant washing of the diapers completely left no time for rest. The adults tried to put the child on the pot as early as possible, which often led to sad consequences. But thanks to the fact that there are "Haggis" products on the shelves, diapers became available to all families.

diapers haggis ultra comfort reviews

Useful invention

Due to these products, modern parents can safely wait for the physiological readiness of the baby to independently send their needs.

It is said that the inventor of the first one-timeNurses Victor Mills was forced to look after his three grandchildren. And in order to carve even a little time for himself, he came up with such a product. This hygienic remedy changed the life of all young parents. Victor Mills, like modern moms, dads, grandparents, wanted to make his life easier. Today, the child's health can not be considered in isolation of the well-being of his loved ones. Calm and good mood of relatives have a positive effect on the baby's well-being.

For the youngest

"Haggis" - diapers, invariably pleasing adults with their high quality and diverse assortment. They can be used on the first day of the baby's life.

Diapers "Haggis" for newborns are presented in a wide range. Usually such crumbs buy hygiene products of the first size. However, large babies need more diapers.

These products contain two layers - absorbent andbreathing. The first promotes complete absorption of moisture, and the second provides air access to the skin. The company "Haggis" takes care of the implementation of the recommendations of the best pediatricians in the world. Diapers made according to modern technologies, ensure the comfort of the baby constantly. Strong elastic fasteners firmly fix this hygiene product, and the presence of a moisture indicator allows you to change it in time.

Diapers "Haggis", reviews of whichpositive, have a small inner pocket, designed to protect against a loose stool of newborns. Due to the presence of this part, stools do not leak outward. This becomes especially important when you consider that the baby usually defecates after each meal.

Cheerful design

The company's products are decorated with bright and colorfuldrawings of Disney heroes, which is shown on the official website of "Haggis" photo. Diapers intended for newborns do not have an extraneous smell, they are thin and soft. A child aged two or three weeks will not notice beautiful pictures, but will be in a good mood, feeling comfort and dryness. But funny pictures will be appreciated by parents.

haggis diapers

If the baby creeps

The company "Haggis", whose diapers usepopular all over the world, produces hygiene products for children of different ages. The kid is growing rapidly, he is already getting a lure and is rapidly gaining weight. He is worried about the first teeth, and the children's room is gradually filled with toys.

When the weight of the baby reaches seven kilograms,You can go to diapers "Haggis Classic". Reviews about them are extremely positive. Elastic band on the belt is designed for active children who are constantly on the move. Double soft frills cover the legs of the baby, protecting from leaks. These hygiene products are sufficiently wide, they have a rectangular shape, which is designed specifically to take into account the physiological characteristics of the child.

Nappies for boys

Diapers "Haggis" for boys have in frontespecially a dense absorbent layer. In addition, in this part the hygiene product is slightly longer than from the back of the child. This is done in order to make room for the sexual organ. The convenience of such diapers will be appreciated by the parents of future men.

Diapers "Haggis Classic" intendedat the same time for boys and girls. They are comfortable, compact and bright. These products are designed for a child who already knows how to sit, but only begins to crawl. When the baby grows, it is better to use diapers designed for a crumb of a certain sex. A child at the age of seven to eight months is very active. He constantly changes his position: he sits, crawls, tries to get up. Therefore, hygiene products must absorb moisture very quickly, and in the places where it is formed.

For little princesses

Diapers "Haggis" for girls, reviews about whichmostly positive, decorated with Disney characters. Among them are the Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Jasmine and many others. Exquisite design in pink tones is complemented by an elegant bow on the back. The reinforced absorbent layer is located at the center of the article in accordance with the physiology of the female child.

diapers panties haggis

In the period of sleep, you can use a universala diaper, since the moisture is distributed almost evenly. In the daytime, when a child actively plays and learns the world, it is better to refer to products designed for children of different sexes. Such are the diapers "Haggis Ultra Comfort", reviews of which contented moms are often left on the Internet. These hygienic products are designed for children from nine months. But if your baby is big, active, and already at eight months trying to climb the legs, you can go to this type of diaper earlier.

Kids who can run

Your baby is one year old. He can walk, run and jump. In a normal diaper on buckles, he is already bored. I want to wear panties and look like older children. Relatives support the baby and try to buy him products in the form of panties. He is pleased with the crib, he looks like an adult.

Diapers-panties "Haggis" remind the usualkids clothes. The kid can even wear it himself. They have an elastic belt, traditional double hurdles on the legs that prevent leakage, and an actively absorbent inner layer. Such products have a breathable surface that passes air from both sides. Panties are sold in two versions: for boys and for girls. The inner surface of the diapers is very delicate, it is specially designed for children prone to allergies. Your crumb will remain dry for a long time. He will be comfortable and comfortable.

Diapers in the form of panties

Products of this form are intended for children,who will be able to independently evaluate the original design. Therefore, drawings on such hygiene products are especially creative. The true discovery of the company's designers can be considered diapers in the form of jeans.

Pediatricians are advised to determine the child's readiness forthe abandonment of diapers in this way. If the kid easily and with pleasure climbs the stairs to the second floor, then his muscles are able to keep the excrement. It's time to buy a pot.

Buy the first pot

This required item is usually manufacturedof plastic and is quite inexpensive. Therefore, its price does not affect the choice of the model. Some parents buy a bright object for their baby, decorated with colorful drawings. Other families prefer pots of neutral colors. Design can also be different. For example, there are pots in the form of an armchair. When visiting children's shops, remember that the product must be stable. Children often spin and can turn the pot along with its contents.

Otuchenie from a diaper and transition to a pot

It is very important to introduce the child to the newfor him the subject. Let the crumb hold it in your hands, it's good to consider. Then tell the baby what the pot is for. If it is brightly colored, then it will take a lot of time to get acquainted. Wait until the child wants to go to the toilet, and put him on the pot. If the baby turned out for the first time, praise him. Demonstrate a stormy joy from the success of crumbs. It is advisable that you support all members of the family. To praise the kid is necessary immediately after his good luck. This is necessary in order to firmly establish the connection between the successful hike on the pot and the positive reaction of others in the child's mind.

diapers haggis classic

If the first time the baby was not able to doall right, you should repeat this sequence of actions every day. When the crumb turns out, success will need to be consolidated. It is extremely undesirable to demonstrate to the child his negative reaction to his failures. It happens that the kid does not want to sit on the pot, preferring to play or be capricious. In this case, it is better not to insist, but wear diapers-panties "Haggis".

Accustoming to a pot and diaper

Use of diapers "Haggis" in the periodtraining to the pot is especially important. The child should not have negative emotions caused by this process. If the kid for some reason got up from the pot in a bad mood, you need to switch his attention to the game and put on a diaper for comfort.

diapers haggis classic reviews

Period of training for the correct departurenatural needs are very important for crumbs. He is under a lot of stress. It is especially important at this time to put the child in panties, so that he can remove them. Because the fasteners of a normal diaper are not designed for children's hands. Do not always call adults for help. And if time is missed, then the kid will not have time to sit on the pot and get dirty.

Are disposable diapers harmful?

Among the most orthodox representativesOur society is widely believed that one-time diapers are not needed for modern families. After all, our ancestors used to live without them, and the children grew up healthy. They are right that with complete care the child feels well and in a reusable diaper. But we must not forget about the psychological climate in the family.

diapers haggis for newborns

An important argument of opponents of disposable diapers is their price, making a breach in the family budget.

Saving money

Calculate at least approximately the cost ofdaily washing and ironing. You will understand that the use of disposable diapers "Haggis" saves considerable money. Expenses for electricity, gas and water will increase significantly. You will need soap, washing powder, a large number of children's clothes and diapers. Upholstered furniture and carpets are unlikely to be saved from the feces of the child, so they will also need expensive enough funds for cleaning them.

Terms of use of diaper

Does your baby have a non-standard complexion? Are you not sure if a disposable diaper is suitable for a baby? Buy a few pieces for trial. Keep them in their original packaging or in a plastic bag. Products do not tolerate high humidity, so keep them preferably in a dry and warm room.

haggis photo diapers

The child should not be in a one-timediaper constantly. Periodically, they must be removed in order to leave children in panties or without them. Of course, during a dream, on a trip or on a visit, the diaper "Haggis" is simply necessary. Although in the summer you can lead a kid to walk and in panties, taking with them one more to replace. The warmer and drier in the room, the longer the child should be without a disposable diaper.

Diaper dermatitis

It is very important that the diapers "Haggis" are capable ofseveral times reduce the likelihood of the appearance of crumbs diaper dermatitis. This disease is associated with the characteristics of the delicate skin and is usually provoked by contact with certain substances contained in urine and feces. Disposable diapers "Haggis" very quickly absorb moisture, protecting the crumb from diaper dermatitis. However, care should be taken to ensure that the product does not rub the baby's skin. To do this, you can buy a diaper for a larger size.

In favor of the products of the firm "Haggis" arestrong fasteners, elastic band, double hangers on the legs, breathable layer. The company "Haggis" has a long history. This is one of the oldest manufacturers of disposable diapers, which has millions of fans around the world.

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