Absence of ovulation: why?

Ovulation is the process of getting out ofovary of a mature egg. Ovulation occurs only in women. In general, the entire menstrual cycle of any woman can be divided into two main parts. The first half includes the growth of the follicle, which occurs directly in any ovary. The follicle is the so-called sac for the egg itself, in which the latter ripens. In the middle of this cycle, this follicle bursts. As for the egg, it is safely released. This process is called ovulation. If everything happens normally, then this egg is fully ready for fertilization. She moves to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. From this moment the second half of the cycle begins, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article.

The egg that was fertilizedspermatozoon, must attach to the walls of the uterus itself. However, if this did not happen, the woman begins menstruation. The day that menstruation began is considered the beginning of the next menstrual cycle. The fertile period includes several days before ovulation and several after it. These days, the fertilization and conception of a child is more likely. The egg will not enter the uterus without ovulation. That is, if there is no ovulation, fertilization can not occur in any way. Therefore, pregnancy without it is impossible.

Ovulation is most often not accompanied by anyspecial symptoms. Ovulation days a woman can determine if she regularly watches her body. Probable symptoms of ovulation can be lower abdominal pain, increased excitability and sexual desire, increased mucous and turbid discharge from the vagina, a drop and a sharp increase in temperature. Very rarely in discharge from the vagina there are bloody veins. On the next day after ovulation, the mammary glands are slightly coarse and become very sensitive.

The absence of ovulation can indicate abnormalities inreproductive system of women. It is worth noting that in normal ovulation may not occur in every cycle. However, with age, its frequency increases. For example, up to thirty years a woman can have two to three cycles without ovulation for a year. This is not cause for concern. The absence of ovulation is a symptom, above all, of endocrine and gynecological disorders. If treatment of such diseases is not dealt with, a woman can become sterile.

Absence of ovulation. The reasons for this violation can be as follows. Obesity, infantilism, chronic stress, increased levels of FSH, thyroid disease and much more. In any case, the absence of ovulation - an occasion to turn to a specialist. Such a deviation can be easily eliminated if one is engaged in treatment on time. Revealing the reasons should also be handled by a doctor. If a person is interested in the topic "no ovulation," he can get to know a lot of information on the Internet, special literature and the like.

In order to determine the day of ovulation itself,it is necessary to compile and analyze the basal temperature chart. However, this method does not always give reliable information about the day of ovulation. There is a high probability that a woman will be mistaken somewhere. Whatever happens, you must absolutely follow all the rules for measuring this temperature.

To determine ovulation in a domestic setting,help a special test for ovulation. You can buy this easily in any pharmacy. Tests for ovulation are carried out in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The principle of such a test is similar to those performed by specialists in laboratories. The most reliable method for determining the exact date of ovulation is ultrasound. In this case, the doctor evaluates the thickness and growth of the follicle, the presence of the so-called yellow body immediately after ovulation.

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