Ear mite in rabbits: treatment at home with folk remedies

Ear mite (otherwise, ear scabies) -a common disease of rabbits, the causative agent of which is the parasite Psorotes cuniculi-zheltovaty oval tick. That is why the disease officially became known as "psoroptosis."

Consequences of auricle scabies

The habitat of such small pests (just 0.6 mm in size) are the ear shells of rabbits, in which under the uncovered hair there is a large number of blood vessels.

ear mite in rabbits treatment

The result of the activity of the mites is itching andthe strongest irritation, which gives the animal great inconvenience. Unexpected ear mite in rabbits, whose treatment will begin too late, can cause serious consequences for a pet:

  • significant weight loss;
  • rejection of the male from mating, and females - from feeding the derived offspring;
  • a brain tumor;
  • the death of an animal.

Therefore, it is important to take every possiblePrevention of a dangerous disease and timely treatment when it is detected. Otherwise, the ear mite can quickly enter the auditory canal and further into the middle ear. And this is fraught with the appearance of otitis and the inflammatory process of the brain with the inevitable damage to the nervous system.

Pathways of infection with psoroptosis

Infection with psoroptosis occurs in several ways:

  • from an infected animal to a healthy individual through dandruff and skin scales falling out of the ears together with mites;
  • from the rabbit to the rabbit;
  • from the remaining parasites in the cracks of the cell where the infected animal was previously contained;
  • from the owner through work clothes or care items.

Also on the spread of the disease, especiallywhich is activated in the winter and spring periods, can be affected by the bored contents of eared pets, increased humidity, irrational feeding, the presence of helminthiases and other infections.

Most common ear mite in rabbits, treatmentwhich we describe in our article, affects individuals over the age of 4 months. Asymptomatically incubation stage of the disease takes 5 days. Then the bites of the parasite become inflamed, the wounds and reddish hillocks are formed, with the release of the syphilis. When it dries in the ears accumulate sulfur balls, which can then completely cover the ear canal.

Signs of the presence of an ear mites

Identify the presence of an ear tickrestless state of the pet. Trying to get rid of scabs - dried out of the festering secretions formed after the tick bite, the rabbit scratches the ears, rubs them against the cage, tries to scratch their paws, shakes their heads. In addition, the animal loses its appetite and at a loss of well-being does not eat at all.

ear mite in rabbits treatment with folk remedies

When examining the ear canal is easyfind brown crusts, sometimes covering their entire inner surface. The ears of the animal thicken and to the touch - very hot. Such a visual inspection can immediately help diagnose "ear mite" in rabbits. Treatment does not take much time, but sometimes requires a repetition of the procedure.

To confirm the presence of an ear mite, you can conduct a laboratory examination, taking a scraping from your ears. Then it is required to warm up to 40 aboutWith vaseline oil, which put the sample. With the help of a magnifying glass, you can easily and independently detect the pathogen - ear mite - in rabbits.

Home Treatment: Medications

Treatment of the described scabies is requiredby carefully processing the inner walls of the shell and the ear canals, removing ticks and scabs. For such manipulations, a mixture of several ingredients in the same proportions is usually used:

  • kerosene;
  • Creole;
  • turpentine:
  • glycerin or vegetable oil.

If an ear mite is found in rabbits, treatmentpeople's means is a sufficiently effective measure to get rid of it. In particular, camphor oil, which is used to irrigate the inner surface of the ears with the aid of a syringe without a needle, is a good aid. The best result will be achieved with the earliest possible processing.

If the ears of rabbits have abundant scabs,The latter must first be softened with a mixture of iodine and glycerol (in a ratio of 1/4) or hydrogen peroxide. The procedure must be performed every 2 days.

diagnosis of ear scabies in rabbits
In no case can not scrape these formations with hard or sharp objects.

Ear mite in rabbits: treatment with medication

Also, when removing the ear mites in combination withpeople should definitely use medicines. These sprays are "Acrodex", "Psoroptol", "Dicresil", "Tsiodrin" and "Dermatozol", which from a distance of 10-20 centimeters are required to treat affected ears within 1-2 seconds.

To fix the effect, this manipulation should be repeated after a fortnight. In this case, the animal will be guaranteed to be rid of such a dangerous and harmful parasite as an ear mite.

Ear mite in rabbits treatment at home with folk remedies

In rabbits, treatment, in addition, can be carried out anddrops of "Deca", and injectable solutions of "Ivomec" or "Baymek". Effectively the action of drugs "Ivermectin" and "Selamectin", intended for the treatment of dogs and cats and well tolerated by rabbits. After a one-time application, treatment is observed in 80% of cases.

When treating emulsion "Valekson" treatment should be done 2 times, which is guaranteed to get rid of such a parasite as an ear mite in rabbits.

ear mite in rabbits treatment photo

Treatment (photo of the procedure you cansee in the article), many rabbit breeders are re-performed - after 5-7 days - even if it is not indicated in the instructions for the drug used. This precaution is justified, since manufacturers for advertising often point to the instant destruction of parasites in a single use.

The most favorable for treatment and preventive measures is the winter period: mites that are outside the body of rabbits can not withstand low temperatures.

Prevention of disease

Any disease is easier to prevent than treat. Therefore, as often as possible, you should examine the ear shells of your pets and clean them. It is recommended to do this twice a month.

In this case, the female sucrum needs to be treated for2 weeks before the appearance of the offspring, even in the absence of signs of an ear mite. And when in contact with infected animals, it is necessary to wash your hands well, so that you do not accidentally infect healthy individuals.

ear mite in rabbits treatment at home

For prophylactic purposes it is recommended twice inyear to disinfect cells, devices for feeding and working tools. Acquired beginners for several weeks should be kept in quarantine, without contact with the main herd, in order to prevent the emergence of such a dangerous parasite, as an ear mite in rabbits.

ear mite in rabbits

Treatment at home with folk remedies is quite effective in the timely detection of the disease, so you should always pay attention to the behavior of pets, especially during feeding.

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