The consumption of plaster for 1m2. Gypsum and cement plaster consumption

Plastering of walls allows to make them evenand neat, and also protect from adverse environmental factors. Before starting the work it is important to correctly calculate the amount of the required dry mixture. Finished plaster after the addition of water freezes very quickly. Therefore, correctly calculated and followed by batch volumes of batch. All this will avoid unnecessary waste and improve the performance of finishing works.

Varieties of plasters

There are several factors affecting the consumption of plaster for 1m2. First of all, the amount of the required dry mixture depends on its variety. For wall finishing can be used:

  • Gypsum plasters. This kind of mixtures is used mainly for leveling walls and ceilings from the inside of the premises. From the side of the street and for the finishing of yard facilities, they can not be used, since they do not tolerate the high humidity of the air and sudden temperature changes. One of the most popular brands of this type is the plaster "Rothband".
  • Cement mixtures. Such materials are used for finishing rooms with high humidity or street structures.
  • Decorative plasters. Apply usually a thin layer and serve as a finishing finish.

plaster consumption per 1 m2

Curvature of walls

This is another important indicator affectingconsumption of plaster. To finish absolutely smooth walls, the mixture will need less. If there are deviations from the horizontal or vertical plane, the surface must be leveled during plastering. Of course, in this case, a mixture will be needed more. Increases the consumption of plaster when finishing, and in the event that there are irregularities on the walls: pits, large cracks, chips, etc.

cement-lime plaster

Dry gypsum plaster consumption

This is a fairly economical type of mixture. For the decoration of walls and ceilings of the same area of ​​gypsum plaster, it usually takes 2-3 times less than cement. The recommended thickness of the layer when using this tool is 1 cm. The plaster consumption per 1m2 in this case will be about 9 kg. However, if there are no unevennesses on the walls, it is allowed to coat them with a layer 0.5 cm thick. The consumption in this case, respectively, will also be halved.

The most popular gypsum plaster onToday is the means of "Rothband". The compositions of this brand are produced at the domestic enterprises invested by the German company Knauf. Plaster "Rothband", the consumption of which is 8.5 kg per 1 m2, - a quality product and at the same time quite economical.

Cement Compositions

The consumption of plaster for 1m2 in this case will beis about 16-18 kg. These figures are valid for both ready-made stores and for ones manufactured independently. Such plasters usually include cement and sand. Their volume ratio is 1: 3. Consequently, the cement will need about 4.5 kg per m2. For plasters it is better to take high-grade material, for example, M400. Sand for 1 m2 It will take 13.5 kg. Before kneading it must be sifted.

Sometimes plasters are made on the basis ofcement with the addition of a calcareous mixture. Usually they are bought in ready-made form. To obtain a smooth surface, the cement-lime plaster is often applied with two layers: pre-spray and cover. Therefore, its consumption is considerable.

decorative plaster consumption

Decorative plasters

For finishing the surface area of ​​1 m2 material of such a variety is needed inaverage about 8 kg. But in this case everything depends on the specific type of decorative mixture. Very popular at the moment is, for example, designed primarily for finishing the facade means "Bark beetle". Plaster (its consumption is somewhat less) of this brand is very high quality. For finishing 1 m2 the surface will need about 2.5-3 kg of "Bark beetle" with a layer thickness of 1 mm.

gypsum plaster consumption

Serving volume

The lifetime of gypsum solutions is very small: on average, the mass freezes in 20-25 minutes. Therefore, the kneading must be done in such a way that during this time it is fully developed. Usually gypsum plaster is prepared in a bucket from under the water-based paint. To develop such capacity (incomplete) it is possible just minutes for 20. Decorative plaster (the expense which is a little bit less than gypsum and cement) of the majority of kinds also freezes pretty fast. Therefore, you need to prepare it in small portions.

Cement plasters do not freeze overabout two hours. Therefore, when using such funds, a rather large portion is prepared at a time (usually in a capacity of 10-15 liters, if one person does the work).

barker plaster consumption

Method of calculation

To find out what thickness should be a layer on the surface, it is first necessary to make the walls stencil, that is, check their deviation from the plane.

The obstruction can be determined using the buildinglevel and plumb line. Deviation should be measured at several control points. The more they are there, the better. Further, the results are added and divided by the number of points. This way you can find out the required layer thickness. Knowing the consumption of plaster on a quadrant meter, it is not difficult to perform calculations of the required amount of material.

Example calculation:

Suppose you have determined that the blockage of the wallis 50 mm, and the deviation is at two other points: 30 and 10 mm. Add the results obtained 50 + 30 + 10 = 90 mm. Divide by the number of points 90/3 = 30 mm. That is, the thickness of the layer should be not less than 3 cm. The plaster consumption per 1 m2 in the case if it is made on the basis of gypsum is, as we found out, 9 kg. Therefore, for a layer of 3 cm it will need 9x3 = 27 kg. Cement - respectively 16x3 = 48 kg. The resulting figure is multiplied by the total area of ​​the walls. For example, in a room 6x4 m with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, the area of ​​two long walls will be 15 + 15 = 30 m2, two short ones - 10 + 10 = 20 m2. The ceiling area in such a room is 6х4 = 24 m.2. As a result, we get a total of 50 + 24 = 74 m2. That is, for finishing all surfaces with gypsum plaster a layer of 1 cm will require 74x9 = 666 kg. Cement plaster needs more: 74h16 = 1184 kg.


What you need to know about

The actual consumption of the mixture is always slightly largercalculated. The plaster can fall on the floor, remain in the mixing tank and on the tools. Therefore, it is worth purchasing material with a margin (about 5-10%). Plaster mixes are usually sold in bags of 30 kg. When calculating their number, rounding should be done in a larger direction. That is, in our case, the consumption of gypsum plaster will be 666/30 = 22.2 bags. Therefore, you will need to buy 23 bags. Taking into account the stock - 24. Cement plaster will need 1184/30 = 39.5, that is 40-41 bag.

The minimum thickness of beacons is 6 mm. A thinner layer is made without them. Plastering the surface exactly in this case, without having a certain experience, will hardly be obtained. Therefore, for self-decoration of walls, a layer of less than 6 mm is rarely done. An exception is only cement-lime plaster, which (by spraying) often trim walls of technical rooms.

If you waste time on an independent workcalculations you do not want, you can use the online calculator. All you need to do in this case is to enter the required numbers in the fields (the length and width of the walls, the thickness of the layer, etc.).

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