Than to cover a ceiling in a bathroom

The bathroom is different from all the other rooms in the house. First of all, this is a zone of high humidity, where jets of water can get to the floor, walls and, of course, to the ceiling. Therefore, when starting repairs in this room, it is important to remember this detail. The ceiling in the bathroom is exposed to no less exposure to moisture than the floor and walls. In addition, even if water does not enter the surface of the ceiling, it is almost impossible to save it from steam.

But steam, as you know, is the same moisture. In order not to do repairs many times, you can install stretch ceilings in the bathroom. The main thing is that the surface of the ceiling should be made of PVC, and not of cloth. Polyvinyl chloride is a very resistant material. It withstands high humidity, is not sensitive to changes in temperature and lasts for many years. It is interesting that, even if water gets into such a ceiling, the film can withstand the pressure. To drain the water that has accumulated there, for example, as a result of flooding, you just need to bend the edge of the frame and remove the liquid. Then the frame can be reinstalled.

Before you make a ceiling in the bathroom, you needevaluate all the pros and cons of the materials that are supposed to be used. In addition to stretch ceilings, there are many other coatings. With a limited budget, you can simply paint the ceiling with waterproof paint. This is a special coating for rooms with high humidity. The service life of the coating is at best 8 - 10 years. If there is an accidental flooding, it will have to be repaired. The ceiling in the bathroom, covered in paint, has now gone out of fashion.

Therefore, if you want something original, thenwe must look for another option. In addition to paint today, there are quite a few other types of decorative design of the ceiling surface in rooms with high humidity. Stretch constructions are just one kind of such coatings. In addition to them, you can also install original plastic panels and suspended ceilings. Ceiling tiles look great. However, when choosing such a material, it is necessary to take into account the humidity it is calculated for.

In stores in the range of the widest rangetiles that are suitable for different conditions. Some are designed for normal rooms with normal humidity. They can be installed, for example, in the office or in the apartment. But not in the bathroom. The ceiling in the bathroom should be selected so that the tiles can withstand 100% humidity. Only then will not the flooding from the neighbors be terrible.

Ceiling tiles come from mineral fibers andof steel. Tiles from mineral fiber have many different shades, from white to pastel tones. When flooding such tiles slightly swell in height, and then vozvraschayutsya in the previous state. The surface of the plates is covered with a special latex paint. This ceiling in the bathroom has only one drawback: it can remain stained, if the water was not flooded, but dirty or rusty. True, tiles can quickly replace.

Steel tiles are produced by leadingItalian companies. They are mounted on a frame, which is pre-installed on the ceiling. The disadvantages of this coating are that it is cold, subject to condensation, and also takes away about 10 cm from the ceiling height. The color range of steel tiles is not too diverse. As a rule, it is chrome color, golden and conservative white. Wash the tiles will often enough, because they are well attached to dust. However, such a ceiling in the bathroom is very durable and is not afraid of any flooding.

If there is no desire to install tiles, then you canto make a rack ceiling. It does not take much from the height of the room. The thickness of this coating will take about 3 cm, which is good for apartments with low ceilings. Reiki can be selected of any length and width. Very pleased with the fact that the color scheme here is more diverse. The rack ceilings are made of aluminum. This is also metal, so it condenses easily. This, perhaps, is the only drawback of such coatings. Wash them often. Among the lath materials there are perforated and smooth ones. The first option is the most optimal one. It creates additional ventilation and prevents stuffiness.

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