How to make a wick at home

Every person is a child in the shower. And what do children like? That's right, everything is clapping and sparkling! After all, no one can imagine a holiday without fireworks, and some manage to make them at home.

how to make a wick
Fortunately, this happens rarely. Where more often we buy pyrotechnics on the eve of New Year's holidays. Unfortunately, often the quality of their production leaves much to be desired. Especially this applies to cheap pyrotechnics, the wicks of which sometimes happen to indecency short.

And how to make a wick from improvised materials? Is this real at all? Almost nothing complicated in this.

The simplest version

Surely everyone in his childhood at least once, but dabbled inwith matches. Do you remember how perfectly nitrites burned from them? Before you make a wick, you need to scrape it off from a couple of boxes. The resulting nitrate is rammed into sticks from juices or something like that. Dense tamping - the guarantor of long burning.

Despite the primitiveness, such wicks burn very stably, and with proper sealing practically are not afraid of wetting. Ideal for safe use of doubtful pyrotechnics!

If there is such an opportunity, then beforemake a wick, try to get hunting matches. They are superbly burning, they easily withstand even soaking, so that one can make just an excellent bikford cord!

how to make a wick for firecrackers
There is also a wayuse of regular scotch tape. You again have to grind the sulfur from a pair of match boxes, then cut off a narrow strip of adhesive tape of the required length. Put it with the adhesive side up, pour on it a thin strip of match nitrate.

From above all this construction, press the samea scotch tape. The received ignition cord can be used even in winter time, because it is slightly susceptible to moisture. Since making a wick for a firecracker in this way is extremely easy, it can be recommended for fans of pyrotechnics of all ages.

Attention! Strictly observe all the rules of fire safety equipment, otherwise it is easy to arrange a fire.

For residents of cities

If you have a little space on the balconypoplar fluff - excellent! It is only necessary to fill the dry fluff in a newspaper rolled up with a tube, so that a rather good wick turns out of it. Needless to say, all the material must be absolutely dry.

A way for young chemists

To make a reliable wick for this recipe,you will need ordinary potassium permanganate, glue "Moment" or similar, as well as matches. Take a small amount of potassium permanganate, glue, and then these two components are mixed to a homogeneous mass.

how to make a homemade wick
Attention! Do not forget that the "Moment" is not only extremely flammable, but also contains many substances harmful to your health. Be sure to ensure a normal ventilation of the room when doing this kind of work.

Do not hurry, for a complete mixing of components will take at least ten minutes. Since the resulting mixture is excessively liquid, you should wait a few minutes until the curing process has passed.

After this time, the resulting puddleIt must be neatly formed, giving it a more compact appearance. When the composition acquires the consistency of plasticine, it needs to be rolled up, giving the appearance of sausages. The thickness does not matter.

And how to make a wick of matches and described by uscomposition? It's simple: if you need a wick that burns quickly and very reliably, then some amount of ground match-nitrate should be added to the composition before it solidifies.

How it works?

You did not ask yourself whydifficulties? The fact is that the wick resulting from our actions does not just burn perfectly (and at an acceptable rate), but it also easily withstands the ingress of water and snow. With it, you can easily launch fireworks from a safe distance, even setting it right in the snow.

Potassium nitrate is our choice!

from which you can make a wick
If you ask the senior representativesgeneration, they will surely tell you about all the methods of obtaining a wick, which were used by children in the USSR. Among the main components, the place of honor was always occupied by potassium nitrate. In those years it was sold in all agricultural stores, so there were no problems with its receipt.

How to use it? To begin with, saltpeter must be dissolved in ordinary water, taking one part of the active substance and three parts of the liquid. The easiest way to make a wick is that a conventional newspaper is soaked in the resulting mixture. More precisely, it can simply be dipped in a jar and immediately removed.

After this, the paper should be thoroughly dried. Attention! Since the products from the evaporation of the working composition are not very useful for human health, it is desirable to do this in the open air.

And how to make a wick for firecrackers from the resultingmaterial? The dried newspaper is rolled into a thin tube, if necessary, by tying it with a thread. Certain skill requires only bringing it into "combat readiness".

To do this, you should set fire to the tip itself"Sausages", then shoot down the flames. Smoldering light - this is the goal of all our chemical experiments. It easily transfers even a light hydration, and the burning speed is such that it reliably protects you from premature operation of pyrotechnics.

 how to make a wick with your own hands
By the way, before making a homemade wick,be sure to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of modern products of this kind. Almost surely what you see will impress you so much that you definitely will not risk coming to an extinct firecracker.

A more serious way

Disadvantage of the above method should be consideredthe circumstance that a thin newspaper is in no way suitable for the role of the Bickford cord. It can quickly die out, and after a sharp burn out right in front of your astonished eyes. The consequences can be very sad.

Therefore, it is desirable to obtain a qualitativecotton rope. It is also soaked in the above described aqueous solution of nitrate and thoroughly dried. To make the design as reliable as possible, you can grease it with a mixture of potassium permanganate and glue "Moment". The recipe for the "hellish composition" we already cited above.

This ignition cord will withstand even a significanthumidification, which will not have any effect on its ability to burn. By the way, and from what it is possible to make a wick, if not to take into account the above-mentioned methods?

And again potassium nitrate

Unfortunately, this substance is notIt will be possible, as only with its help it is possible to create reliable enough wicks. So, take about two parts of saltpeter and one part of the usual sugar.

how to make a match wick

All this is grinded in a porcelain mortar to form a thin and uniform powder. The resulting composition can be slaughtered in tubes from under the juice (as in the method with matcha nitrate).

Important note

Before you make a wick with your own hands, do notforget about the responsibility for all your subsequent actions. It is possible to start pyrotechnics only in the absence of a strong side wind, outside of dense urban development. It is inadmissible to use such products in hot and droughty weather conditions, as well as their use by under-age children.

Here's how to make a wick without using expensive tools for this.

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