Marigold: growing and grooming

In nature, a huge number of flowers thatdeserve our attention. Today I want to tell you about such beautiful, long blooming flowers, like marigolds. Cultivation of them by force to everyone, since they demand to themselves not so much attention.

Marigolds - beauty, decoration, use in one

See at least once in your life marigolds to youyou had to, you probably just did not know that they were called that way. The marigolds belong to the family Srednotsvetnyh, reach a height of up to 80 cm. Their leaves are pinnate, but the flowers can have a wide variety of colors, from bright yellow and ending with a rich shade of orange. Homeland of their growth is South America, it is where the marigolds grow wild in the wild.

It should be noted that the marigolds, the cultivation of whichnow available to everyone, will not only decorate the villa site or any other place, but also bear a benefit. So, if you plant flowers around the site (in the flower garden, around the beds in the garden, etc.), then you can protect your plantations from aphids, nematodes and medvedok. In addition, marigolds have a very rich flavor, especially their leaves, so they have long been used in cooking as a seasoning. Also, as a seasoning used dried plants. In a word, beauty and benefit are in one.

How to grow marigolds

Marigold. Growing these flowers is a simple, low-cost occupation. Many growers love them for their unpretentiousness. So, first, decide on the type of marigold you want to plant. The most popular marigolds are erect, thin-leaved and rejected. All of them differ somewhat in their appearance, but they need the same thing in care.

Grow marigolds in two ways: in open ground and pre-planting seedlings. In the open ground flowers are planted when a stable warm temperature is established on the street. It is advisable to cover the planting with film before growing. Of course, planting in the open ground is possible in most cases only in May, and consequently marigold marigold much later.

But how to grow seedlings of marigolds. Everything is very simple. Somewhere in March, sow the seeds of flowers in boxes or pots, cover with a film. When there are shoots, remove the film. After the plants grow, they should be dived. Do not forget to water the seedlings, so that the marigolds get stronger and prepare for planting in the open ground.

And now I want to talk a little about whichcare like marigolds. Growing them, as you already noticed, is simple, not time-consuming. Care is almost the same. If you plant flowers on the sunny side or in a shady place, then this will be enough for the normal development of plants. But in the shade the marigolds are weaker, their flowers are small, the bloom is not plentiful. Land for planting choose a fertile, in this case, abundant flowering of marigolds, you will rejoice for a very long time, until it becomes very cold in the street and the first freezes will appear. Watering flowers is moderate, if often rains, then you can do without it. If there is time and desire, marigolds can be fed, but this is an optional item, though it affects the strength of flowers and the abundance of flowering.

If you decide to grow marigolds, but at the same timeyou do not have your own site, do not worry. You can try to plant flowers on the balcony in boxes or in flowerpots right in the apartment. In this case, you will have at hand not only indescribable beauty, but also a good folk remedy. It turns out that marigolds are a diuretic and fight against worms. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory and sweating properties.

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