How to make lizuna from shaving foam: the most simple and safe ways

Many children like to play with jelly mass,which does not stick to your hands. It can take a different form. This toy is called a lime or slime. It was invented in the USA. A lot of children play with this unusual "plasticine".

To buy such a toy will not be difficult. However, you can create it yourself. How to make lizuna from shaving foam, will be discussed in detail later. There are several options for how to make such a toy yourself.

General recommendations

You can create a slice from different materials. The properties of the toy will depend on the chosen method. To understand, toHow to make a lisuna from shaving foam, you need to consider several ways. All of them assume to use various improvised materials.

How to make lisuna from shaving foam

Foam for shaving helps to give weight to the volume. It contains certain chemical elements that can be unsafe for the body when ingested. Therefore, parents should ensure that the baby does not try to send the received mass in the mouth.

Some recipes use the simplestcomponents that are invariably at hand in every home. For other methods, it is necessary to acquire special substances, for example sodium tetraborate (borax). The simplest and most effective recipes will be discussed below.

Recommendations for the selection of ingredients

Lizun, bought in the store, is bright,an interesting toy. He does not stick to his hands. However, when making a slime at home, do not expect an absolute similarity of the final product with the purchase option. Considering, how to make a lisuna from shaving foam, it is necessary to be ready for this.

Lime from glue and shaving foam

If in the process of making toys usedglue, starch and other similar elements, the mass will still slightly adhere to the surfaces. So do not throw it on the floor, wallpaper and other objects.

To lizun turned out to be as colorful,you will need to choose the right dye. It is best if it is food. Many variants of different colors are on sale. Children like bright shades. It is these colors that should be given preference.

Shaving foam can be very different. You can choose the products of almost any manufacturer.

The easiest way

Lizun from starch and shaving foam almost everyone can create. In this case, you do not need to choose a special glue. This is the most simple and safe way to create a slime. First, you need to mix a lot of starch and water.

Lizun from starch and shaving foam

Add a glass of warm water to the same amountdry matter. If necessary, you can add starch. The maximum allowable concentration can be 350 g of dry substance per 1 glass of water. The composition should be mixed thoroughly. After that, shaving foam is added to the starch mass. It will take quite a lot.

If desired, at this point, you can add to the massa little dye. Then again, carefully mixed. The result is a homogeneous mass with which the baby can play fun. It will not stick to the hands. But you can not eat it.

Recipe with PVA glue

Another simple recipe is lizun of PVA and shaving foam. It is better to choose the freshest ingredients. It is also necessary to prepare starch and warm water.

First, the starch mass is mixedpresented above scheme. Dye is added to it. Some masters add sparkles to it. This gives the mass of unusualness. It should not have lumps, so all ingredients must be thoroughly mixed. Further, shaving foam is added. Again, everything must be mixed.

Lizun from PVA and shaving foam

At the final stage, PVA glue is introduced into the mass. Instead of starch, you can use soda. 100 g of water will require 50 g of glue. Starch or soda add 1 tablespoon. In this case, the mass will be more shiny. This is also an interesting recipe that can be considered as one of the simplest and safest.

Slip from the glue "Titan"

Recipe for shaving foam from shaving foam can be more complicated. In this case, you will need to purchase not just PVA, but special glue. It is called "Titan". In this case, starch is not required. You can buy Titan glue in hardware stores. It should also not enter the body of the child. This should be remembered for the parents of young children.

Recipe for shaving foam from shaving foam

It is recommended to mix limes are strongplastic bag. In it, you need to pour the contents of the can with shaving foam. Two parts of the foam will need three parts of the glue. It must be very fresh. Next, the contents of the package should be shaken well. The ingredients should be thoroughly mixed. The mass thickens.

Before applying glue, you can add a dye. The choice depends on the taste preferences of the child. He can choose the color of his future toy. And you can show imagination. Instead of the usual food coloring, glitters of different sizes can be added. In this case, the slime will turn out to be original and interesting.

Lizun with boron

Lizun of shaving foam and borax in its appearance is the closest tooption purchased in the store. Therefore, you will have to buy a sodium tetraborate powder in the pharmacy. You can also use a liquid solution (4%). Also suitable for such a drug as Borax. You should also buy fresh PVA glue, dye.

Lizun of shaving foam and borax

A prepared polyethylene bag is necessarypour out the glue. A dye is added to it. There is also foam for shaving. The mass is thoroughly mixed. Carefully pour the boron solution into the bag. You will need 1 bottle of liquid or a pre-prepared dry substance. 1 tablespoon of sodium tetraborate powder is mixed with half a glass of water.

After that, the jelly mass will turn out. It is necessary to remove excess moisture from it. The resulting lick should be well soaked with a napkin. The clot needs five more minutes to mash in the package. After that they can play.

Lime from glue and foam

Producing lime from glue and shaving foam, you can use the simplest components. The easiest recipe suggests avoiding the addition of starch, boron and other substances.

Just in the glue PVA dye is added. It poured a little foam. The entire procedure is also performed in the package. Then the mass is thoroughly mixed until it thickens. Then the resulting slime is removed from the bag and also crushed by hand for a long time. This procedure will take quite some time. However, after the glue dries out, a lick, very similar to the purchase option, will be obtained.

This is a simple and safe way to make a lick at home. After playing with such a "plasticine" the child should wash his hands thoroughly.

A few tips

Specialists recommend using only warm water in recipes with starch. All ingredients should also be at room temperature or even a little warmer.

After the game, the child must put the lizune on paper. This will prevent the pile from getting into the lump, dirt and other foreign objects. In this case, you can play longer with a slime.

If the baby does not put the lick in the mouth, thisthe toy is absolutely safe. After using it, you should wash your hands thoroughly. Too much dye put in the mass is not recommended. The toy will leave marks on the hands, clothes.

Keep the clot in a cool place andclosed containers. The mass should not dry up. If it does happen, you can put the clot in warm water for a few minutes. After that, you need to stretch the slime. It can be used again in the game.

Having considered, how to make a lisuna from shaving foam and other components, you can independently make an interesting children's toy.

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