Paint "Marshal": quality, assortment and consumer reviews

Facade paint for construction and repair work- a material on which it is not worth saving. To paint and varnish mixtures used for outdoor works, very high requirements are imposed: they should not only decorate the walls, but also protect them from moisture and other environmental influences.

paint marshal

Most mineral surfaces are capable ofabsorb moisture. Especially this is the sin with building materials with a porous structure: concrete, ceramics, plaster, which absorb water and keep it in the pores. A high liquid content leads to an increase in stress and a cracking of the substrate.

However, the main reason for the destruction of the facades of the buildingIn the Russian climate, low temperatures remain. Mineral surfaces in the dry state do not react to frost. Moisture, accumulating in their pores, increases with freezing in the volume, which causes the formation of cracks. As a result, this leads to the destruction of the facades.

The negative factor is also the impactThe aggressive chemicals that are contained in the atmosphere of large cities. Oxides of phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen, which are part of the sediments, destructively affect the facades of buildings.

Wet walls in the warm season become an ideal medium for the spread of mold, lichens, mosses and fungi. In most cases, they penetrate the pores of the building material.

Cope with the effects of precipitation andAn aggressive external environment can be high-quality facade paints. They not only protect the surface of the walls, but also give the building a well-groomed and beautiful appearance.

Properties and application of facade paints

Facade paint "Marshal" is made fromusing a dispersion of a styrene-acrylic copolymer acting as a binder. The copolymer makes the coating resistant to moisture, dirt and precipitation. The "Marshal" paint also includes algaecides and fungicides, which protect the surface of the walls from the appearance of mold and fungi.

facade paint marshal

Paintwork material is distinguished by a high leveladhesion and perfectly lays on any mineral base: plaster, brick, concrete and others. Water-based paint "Marshal" is used for finishing exterior walls of buildings, for painting tambours, balconies, garages and loggias.

Excellent performance characteristics allow the use of facade paint "Marshal" for the restoration of historical buildings.

Preparation of the surface for application of the paint

Old coverings are neatly removed from the surface of the facade. Sites damaged by fungus or mold are removed, then the base is covered with antifungal compounds.

With the help of putty, chips, cracks andother defects of the facade. Since the paint "Marshal" belongs to the category of water-dispersion paintwork materials, for the repair work, water-based filler is selected.

If the surface of the facade is porous, then a deep penetration primer is applied to it.

Recommendations for the application of paint

Finishing works are carried out at an ambient temperature ranging from +5aboutFrom to +25aboutC, while the relative humidity of the air should not exceed 80%.

The surface of the facade of the building is covered with a primer, which may be the paint "Marshal", diluted with clean water in a ratio of 10: 1. The finishing coat is applied with undiluted paint.

paint marshal reviews

The paint and varnish material can be applied with a roller,brush or spray in two layers. If a nebulizer is used, the paint is diluted with water in a ratio of 10: 1. This proportion is suitable for most models of equipment.

Each of the layers is applied with an interval of one hour. The entire coating dries out in warm and dry weather after 4 hours.

The paint consumption is 1 liter per 8-10 square meters.

Paint application features

Paint "Marshal" before use carefullymix and dilute in the manufacturer's recommended proportion, if required. The surface of the substrate is prepared for application of the formulation. Apply the paint in two layers at an ambient temperature of not more than +30aboutС and not less than +5aboutC. The air humidity should not exceed 80%. Porous and weakly bonded building materials are covered with a deep penetration primer to strengthen the base and increase the level of adhesion.

Advantages of Marshall paint

water-marsh paint

Paints and varnishes of the trade mark "Marshal" have the following advantages:

  • Create an elastic decorative coating.
  • The paint "Marshal" gives the facade a relief original look.
  • It conceals small defects and surface irregularities.
  • Resistant to weather, moisture and dirt.
  • They have a high level of adhesion to the substrate.
  • Quickly dry up.
  • Service life is more than 10 years.

Reviews about the paint "Marshal"

For painting facades of buildings oftenone of the most popular paints and varnishes is used - the "Marshal" paint. Reviews about it, left by consumers, confirm the manufacturer's claimed performance characteristics: high adhesion, creating an attractive surface, resistance to precipitation, low temperature and biological factors. The consumption of the composition is completely the same as indicated on the package, but it needs to be applied in two layers. Facade paint and varnish materials can be used as a paint for the ceiling. "Marshal" creates a perfectly even coating, hiding small defects in the base thanks to the deep-mouthed structure. The use of paint and primer of the same company allows the creation of a coating with a life expectancy of at least ten years.

ceiling paint marshal

You can paint paint and varnish in more than2 thousand shades according to the NCS and RAL palettes. The paint is realized in a convenient plastic container, the design of which allows you to pour the required amount of the composition.

There is no smell material, it is easyis applied in two or more layers, does not flow and does not splatter. Creates a deep-skinned surface, protects the facade from the effects of aggressive environmental factors and gives it an attractive appearance.

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