Primer for wood: choose the right composition

Even a beginner in construction or repair workknows that if the paint is applied to an unprepared surface, it will quickly warp, begin to flake off. Proper preparation is perhaps the most important condition for successful painting of any plane.

In order to extend the service life of the products, primers are designed. Today there are many of them:

  • primers for deep penetration;
  • compositions that strengthen the surface to be painted;
  • primers that prevent moisture absorption;
  • Mixtures that improve adhesion (adhesion of paint to the surface);
  • anticorrosive compounds;
  • insulating.

If to classify primers by types of materials with which it is necessary to work, it is possible to allocate:

  • compositions for metal;
  • primers for wood;
  • universal mixtures.

On sale today you can meet already ready forapplication formulations or dry mixtures, which must be diluted with water before use. Usually the composition of the primers, recommendations and the scope of their application are indicated on the packaging.

Impregnation for wood protective can be of two types:

  • composition for working with transparent paint and varnish materials;
  • mixture for opaque varnishes and paints.

In the first case, the primer for a tree mustit is necessary to include a special film-forming agent in the composition, but there should not be any dyes or pigments in it. It is usually applied to transparent varnishes, because it perfectly emphasizes the structure of natural wood.

When choosing such impregnations, it should be taken into account thatsubstances forming a film, are included in all primers. But in order to emphasize the beauty of natural fibers, it is worth giving preference to casein-rosin fillers. They do not cleave wood fibers, they do not mask the pattern that they form.

Before painting the surface in any opaque color for pre-impregnation, primer for wood (or universal), which corresponds to a specific paint, is more suitable.

  • For nitro-enamels or oil paints, it is necessary to choose the correct color impregnation. The most suitable compositions are cherry, pale, brown or cream colors.
  • For polystyrene paints primers are recommended on the same basis.
  • For facade or other outdoor workan alkyd primer for wood is used. It dries almost instantly, well fills the pores of the tree, preventing the occurrence of rot or mold. If the composition includes linseed oil and pigment, then the surface after impregnation can not be painted: the primer will give the tree aesthetic and retain its appearance for a long time.
  • Alkyd primer is chosen for treatment of fiberboard, natural wood, chipboard. It prevents penetration of moisture, increases adhesion, lengthens the life of the painted surface.

Modern compounds for primers usually combine several qualities:

  • Prevents the aging and wear of products made of wood.
  • They prevent their drying out, stratification from the action of excessive moisture, do not allow the appearance of cracks.
  • Allow to save considerably paint and varnish materials.

Primers for wood are used to impregnate previously painted, as well as new, not yet processed surfaces.

Before applying the primer, any (old ornew) surface must be cleaned well, remove the remains of the old coating, align. If there are cracks or other defects on the tree, they must first be removed with a putty. When it dries, the surface should be treated with ammonia solution for degreasing. Typically, for its preparation in a liter of water, dissolve a liter of twenty-five percent ammonia solution.

Primer for wood is applied on a flat, dry surface.

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