Tuber begonia: propagation by cuttings in water

Begonia attracts florists highdecorative, long flowering, and also the ability to grow both outdoors and indoors. It is often used in landscaping of balconies and loggias, it is decorated with front entrances to buildings, planted on flower beds and decorated with arbours.

No less impressive is the flower in the apartment, and it is suitable for any interior. The abundance of shapes and shades of this begonia, which are successfully combined with other plants, is simply amazing.

begonia reproduction in cuttings

Description of the plant

Lover and connoisseur of exotic plants,the French intendant Michel Begon, when organizing a botanical expedition to the Caribbean, could not even imagine that his name would be known throughout the world through the centuries. During the expedition, the monk Charles Plumier discovered unknown plants, which he described and named in 1687 in honor of his patron - begonias. It was from this time began the cultivation of new and very beautiful flowers.

begonia multiplication by cuttings in coral water

The tuberous species of begonias were found inmid-XIX century, which served as an impetus to the development of hybridization. As a result, a group of plants bloomed with unusually beautiful flowers. Begonias do not have a classification, they can be conventionally divided into groups according to external features and the root system.

In natural conditions begonias grow inSouth America, Africa and Asia. Especially they are common in tropical countries that have wet forests or a subtropical climate in the mountainous areas on their territories.

Begonia tuber - a plant of many years, usuallyHerbaceous, but sometimes there are also shrubs. The plant has a fleshy, upright or creeping, with pronounced knots stalk. It can reach a length of sixty centimeters.

Juicy and fairly large leaves on the stemare arranged alternately and are most often heart-shaped. Begonia has a paniculate complex inflorescence and dioecious flowers. Different hybrids can have simple or double, wide-opening buds. Color of flowers is different: yellow and white, red in a variety of shades, with specks or fringes.

The root system of this plant is weak,surface, and therefore very sensitive to the quality of soil and watering. Begonia forms a tuber, which is a modified shoot that serves as a source of nutrients in the off-season. Despite the fact that this beautiful flower is widely distributed in our country, beginning flower growers do not know how it reproduces.

Begonia tuberous propagation by cuttings in water

Begonia can be grown from seeds. But this method is rather troublesome and long. Much more quickly you will be pleased with its luxurious flowering tuberous begonia, propagated by cuttings. There are several ways that allow cuttings to take root quickly. We will discuss this further.

Reproduction of begonia by cuttings at home

An excellent planting material can be obtained fromapical shoot, cut at 8-10 cm. On each cuttings should be at least two kidneys. By the way, the reproduction of begonia with stem cuttings is the most common and popular method among florists. It is not time consuming, it does not even require special skills from a beginner plant lover.

Cuttings retain all the properties of the parentplants. Thus, you can diversify your collection with a very rare species, which in the store can not always be bought. The percentage of adhesion of cuttings is very high. Almost all kinds of begonias successfully propagate by stem cuttings. But what is most important for many flower lovers - flowering occurs immediately after rooting.

reproduction of begonia by cuttings at home

Cuttings are prepared

Before the propagation of begoniacuttings (photo you can see in this article), of course, it is necessary to properly prepare the planting material. You will need strong and healthy cuttings no longer than 12 cm. At the request of the owner of the plant, you can cut the whole stem or only its apex.

The cut must be done under the node (place on thestem, from which the leaves grow). Trim the stalk with a razor or sharp knife. Scissors, even the sharp ones, overstuff the stem too much, blocking the access of nutrients and water to the cells. To ensure that the stalk is provided with moisture, it must be cut off at an acute angle. In this case, the area of ​​the cut is increased.

Begonia blooming flowers

It is desirable that the length is not less than twocentimeters. The number of roots depends on this. If you want to get several colors, the entire stem can be divided into several parts. At the same time, there must be at least two kidneys on each of them. From the cuttings remove flowers, leaves, buds. You can leave one or two leaves at the top.

The largest leaves are cut in half. Leaves, flowers and buds are removed so that they do not take away the juice from the plant and do not prevent it from developing. Unlike the begonia of the ever-flowering, the propagation by cuttings which also gives good results, tuberous plants have a period of physiological dormancy. With the reduction of the light day, their foliage perishes. With an increase in the duration of daylight hours, underground tubers give new shoots, which can serve as planting material.

How to prepare cuttings for reproduction?

Florists consider it rather unpretentiousplant begonia tuberous. Reproduction by cuttings in water usually does not cause problems, if certain rules are observed. Before you lower the cuttings into the water, treat them with growth stimulants, which also protect the plant from infections (Humisol-N, Zircon). This will increase the chances of rooting, especially if a weakened stalk is used as a cuttings.

propagation of begonia with stem cuttings

This treatment prevents the process of its decay. When using growth promoters, use only glass, porcelain or enamelware. These drugs are available in the form of solutions or dry mixtures. The cuttings cuttings are dropped into the solution or dusted with powder. The duration of the drug is usually indicated on the package.

Root formation and propagation of begonia by cuttingsin water will be more successful if vitamin C or B1 is added to the growth stimulant. The use of certain vitamins will not give the desired effect. For 1 ml of the solution, about 50 mg of vitamin C or 20 mg of B1 are added. One gram of a dry preparation should be mixed with 50 mg of vitamin C or 10 mg of B1. Vitamins should be dissolved in a small amount of water before being added to the solution.

How can I replace stimulants?

Many growers to enhance rootinguse natural honey. In a liter of water at room temperature, a teaspoon of honey is bred. The cut stalk is placed in a vessel and the honey solution is poured in such a way that the third part is under the water. The duration of the procedure is at least six hours. Honey, rich in mineral substances, significantly increases rooting.

Choosing a vessel for rooting

To the rooting container presents specialbegonia requirements. Reproduction by cuttings in water will be more effective if you prepare a container of dark glass. It delays the sun's rays, so the water remains fresh for much longer. Experienced growers believe that it should not be changed during rooting. You can only add a little bit of fresh to compensate for the evaporated.

 tuberous begonia propagation by cuttings

What should be the water?

When begonia grows by cuttings in waterit is necessary to make sure that it is as soft as possible (standing, rain or filtered) at room temperature. Many growers recommend adding aloe vera juice, which is a powerful natural growth stimulant. It strengthens the immune system of plants, causes a more active division of cells, protects against phytopathogens that infect flowers. Add five drops of freshly squeezed juice to a glass of water.

Rooting process

Reproduction of begonia by cuttings in water will requirecreating a special temperature regime (+22 ° C). For a container with a handle, find the sun protected from direct rays, but a well-lit place. Water allows you to observe how the plant develops, and in time to pay attention to signs of trouble.

If you notice rot on the tip of the stem, remove the stalk, cut off the frayed area, dry it a little and put it again in a jar with fresh water.

Transplanting into the ground

Young begonias, propagated by cuttings inwater, very quickly give roots approximately two centimeters long. They are immediately transplanted into a special soil for begonias. You can prepare the mixture yourself from leaf (or turf) land, peat, vegetable compost, humus and coarse-grained river sand, in equal proportions.

 reproduction of begonia with leaf cuttings

After transplanting, do not compact the ground around the stem of a young plant, especially at the root neck, so as not to damage the tender roots. Planted cutting is easy enough to water.

Reproduction of begonia with leaf cuttings

This is a fairly productive way: several plants can be grown from one leaf. Some varieties of culture do not have a stem, which is why this method is the main one for them. Quite often, the propagation by cuttings in the water of coral begonia occurs.

 Reproduction of begonia by cuttings photo

On the mother's flower, find the strongest andhealthy leaf. Cut it with a blade or a sharp knife, spread it on a horizontal surface (usually use a cutting board). From the base of the leaf to the edges, make incisions, dividing the leaf plate into segments. In each of them there must be at least one vein.

In a box or pot, pour in the river sand andmoisten it. From the top, place the pieces of the leaf in such a way that the convex veins on the bottom of the leaf touch the sand. Part of the sheet plate can be placed with a sharp end into the ground. If you can not divide the plate, you can multiply begonia with a sheet, laying it entirely on the ground. In this case, make an incision at the intersection of veins. It is here that young sprouts and roots appear.

Under a layer of sand, put some crushed mosssphagnum mixed with peat. Such a soil will supply the roots of plants with the necessary moisture and nutrients. Reproduction by a leaf with top dressing is more successful. A box with plants is covered with a plastic wrap and placed in a well-lit place.

Regularly aerate the plants, moisturizeprimer when dried from the spray gun. When the first shoots appear, the ventilation time gradually increase so that the plant gets used to the air. On cloudy and warm nights and days, open the window in the room where begonias grow. Using this method of breeding begonia, you can move the young plants into separate pots in three months.

begonia reproduction in cuttings

Reproduction by leaf cuttings is carried out at the endspring or early summer at a temperature of +30 ° C. If you already have an adult begonia, repeat the breeding every three years in any way you like.

And a few more tips

  • Rooted cuttings are best planted in wide, but shallow containers.
  • At the bottom necessarily lay a layer of drainage (red brick or large expanded clay).
  • A young sprout of tuberous begonia is planted so that its tubers are located at a distance of two centimeters from the edge of the pot.
  • After transplanting, place the pot in a shaded area. It is possible to rearrange the pot in an illuminated place only after three days.
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