How to choose the right brick?

Almost every person dreams about hisOwn house with a large and cozy oven. Even in ancient times, the furnace was the basis of human life. It prepared food, with its help heated the room and even used it as a bath. That's why most people try at home to build something like this or completely repeat the classic version.

kiln brick

However, before installing,you need to buy oven bricks. It will completely build up the device itself, not only from the outside, but also from the inside. For carrying out external works a special material is used, which tolerates heat and is resistant to temperature changes. At the same time, it should have a good appearance, because it will immediately catch your eye.

Such a brick facing stove can beto purchase even without much fear, since it will not be exposed to too high temperatures. Although it is still recommended to pay attention not only to its appearance, but also to the technical characteristics.

buy oven bricks

For the manufacture of firebox, chimney and other workerszones it is recommended to use chamotte. This is such an oven brick, which not only tolerates high temperatures (more than 1500 degrees), but also is resistant to their sharp drops. It has an unpretentious appearance, and therefore is used only for manufacturing work areas.

His choice should be taken from allseriousness. The fact is that there are a lot of different fakes of this product. They have exactly the same appearance as ordinary brick bricks, but they are devoid of its properties or do not correspond to the declared quality. Therefore, you should not buy products from different lots, different colors, with different defects or damages.

facing brick

For greater peace of mind, it is recommended to taketo the market of a master who will produce these works. He has extensive experience and will always be able to distinguish quality brick stove from cheap fake or marriage. Although even a professional at times can not give a guarantee in terms of how the material behaves in a furnace during long-term operation.

Currently, the market can be found largea number of different materials for the manufacture of fireplaces and stoves - this is a special lightweight concrete, and special ceramics. But all of them can not by their qualities and capabilities exceed the stove brick.

It is easy to use, easy to install,is well processed and has simply colossal temperature characteristics. In doing so, it is good to use during repair and even when replacing the muffle in industrial furnaces. However, if there is a conversation about the price, the answer will be obvious. More expensive samples have better quality and superior technical characteristics. Therefore, when choosing such a brick, it is not worth saving money, because it depends not only on comfort and coziness, but also on safety. Properly selected and professionally laid bricks not only allow the furnace to stand for a long time, but also significantly improve its quality in the process of heating.

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