How to make an organizer for the office with your own hands: ideas, materials, instructions

Organizers help us not only quicklyfind the right things. Thanks to them it became easier to store unnecessary items, because for such simply no place. We suggest you learn how to make an organizer for the office with your own hands.

Types of storage appliances

Organizer for the office is a devicefor the organization and storage of pens, pencils, scissors, brushes, stickers, notes for paper, clips, buttons and other small things that we use at the desk at home and in the office.

stand for writing

They are:

  • desktop (stand office);
  • Wall (for example, a cork board);
  • Those that are placed in boxes (separators and boxes).

There are many purchased organizers madefrom plastic, acrylic, wood. Their main disadvantage is that not all models are suitable for the workplace. For example, your box can have non-standard sizes, and all existing boxes will be either large or small. The self-made dividers will meet exactly the dimensions that you need. And they can be made from any improvised materials.

Organizer of cardboard with their own hands

Such boxes for different office itemslooks like it's bought in a store. In fact, this is a craftsmanship made of thick cardboard. It is best to use the one that was left from the packages from under the household appliances. Such an organizer made of cardboard with their own hands is not difficult, but the work requires special care.

desktop organizer

The order of its creation is as follows:

  1. Take the cardboard from under the packing box.
  2. Draw on it all the details and cut them with a stationery knife (see the picture above).
  3. Take a few sheets of white cardboard and paste on it the details of the organizer.
  4. Cut out the details along the contour. As a result, you should have blanks with white walls.
  5. Do the same thing again, only now paint the other side white.
  6. If you want, color the blanks in the desired color.
  7. Gather all the details together. Should be the frame organizer.
  8. Cut out strips of white cardboard. In width, they should be equal to the thickness of the package used for the frame.
  9. Spread the glue on the PVA ends of the organizer and glue the strips of cardboard.
  10. Two drawers that you collected earlier, cover inside with plain white paper for the printer.

All is ready! It remains to put the necessary items here.

The second version of the desktop organizer

This kind of adaptation is suitable for those whoengaged in a variety of creativity: draws, creates postcards and various crafts and so on. After all, it is designed to store and organize a large number of pens, markers, brushes, pencils and the like.

organizer out of the box

The organizer is made out of a box and cardboard cylinders. You can use those that are left after using toilet paper, t-shirts, foil, food film or parchment.

We make a desktop organizer with our own hands in the following way:

  1. Paste the box with colored paper, wallpaper, adhesive paper or cloth. The lid from the box can be used as a pallet. In this case, it also needs to be documented.
  2. Cut the cardboard cylinders so that they allwere of equal length. They should not be too high, because then it will be inconvenient to get office supplies. Also do not make cylinders below the walls of the box. Then no dividers will be visible.
  3. Paint prepared cylinders with acrylic paints or gouache. Also they can be pasted with paper or decorative tape.
  4. Connect the cylinders with glue (PVA, from an adhesive gun, etc.). Remember that the tubes must be placed in a box. Therefore, their number and assembly depends on the size of the latter.
  5. When the cylinders are glued, place them inside the box.

Organizer is ready. It remains only to fill it with pens, pencils and another office.

Order in the drawers of the table

Putting things in the drawers of the table will also helporganizer, out of the box, which does not make much effort. Only now you will need to take a lot of different boxes that you have collected so long and at last they are useful to you. If you do not have boxes, then make them yourself from thick cardboard.

organizer from cardboard

And now we learn how to make an organizer for the office with your own hands for the desk drawer:

  1. Take all your boxes. Suitable packages for cereals, cereals, tea and so on.
  2. Arrange the boxes inside the drawer, where you need an organizer. Try to place them denser and in such a way that the entire space is filled.
  3. When you have decided on what the organizer will look like, measure the height of the desk drawer walls on each box.
  4. Cut off the unnecessary part.
  5. Take colored paper, self-adhesive, wallpaper andcover each box. You can use either one color or many different shades. The box needs to be glued from the inside, since it is the inside that will be visible.
  6. Re-arrange the finished boxes in the box. If they do not fit tightly to each other, you can connect them together with glue or double-sided adhesive tape.

Bright organizer for the desk drawer is ready. It can store writing objects, small office (buttons, paperclips, erasers), scissors, stapler and much more, and it is easy to find objects in a certain place.

Let's use the walls

Wall organizers help to remove some objects from the table, thereby increasing the working space. And if you approach the creation of a creative image, it can also become an art object.

how to make an organizer for the office with your own hands

We give instructions how to make an organizer for the office with your own hands so that it can be hung on the wall:

  1. Take a piece of beautiful cloth. You can use the old curtain.
  2. Make a few holes on one side and process their edges. Instead of holes, you can attach the eyelets.
  3. Take a few scraps and cut them into pieces so that they turn out pockets. It is not necessary that they be rectangular. For example, you can make the pockets triangular.
  4. Lay out the pockets on the canvas so that you can conveniently use them. To do this, think about what you are going to store in them.
  5. Pin the scraps to the fabric with a sewing pin.
  6. Take a thick thread (for example, woolen) and sew large stitches of pockets.
  7. You can also make loops. To do this, sew the rectangles from two opposite sides.

Organizer is ready. It remains to drive a couple of nails into the wall and hang it in place.

Other ideas how to make an organizer for the office with your own hands

There are many more ways to make organizers from improvised materials.

how to make an organizer for the office with your own hands

For example, for desktop storage, you canuse zadekorirovannye glass and iron jars, boxes. For the wall - plywood, cork board, canvas, old frames and so on. Do not be afraid to show imagination, and then you yourself will see what beautiful things can be done.

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