Surplines ampelnye - a hybrid of petunia

Surplines ampelnye are a special hybrid of petunias. The color of their large buds, reaching up to six centimeters in diameter, is very diverse.

Surplines ampel
These flowers are simply irreplaceable as a culture,grown in suspended flower pots or balcony boxes. They brightly and fabulously decorate both the walls of houses, and street pillars, and any terraces. They have long, up to a meter of shoots, which hang down.

The main thing that distinguishes these flowers from petunias is that the amphibian surfines do not give seeds.

They are very photophilous, although they tolerate a slight blackout. In addition, they are very thermophilic and grow better on slightly acidic light soils.

After the onset of rainy weather or an easy drop in temperature, the blooming of these petunia hybrids is suspended so that, with the return of good weather, again resume.

Surfinia is ampel, the cultivation of which is notrequires special efforts and even a beginning floriculturist, - a drought-resistant plant is enough. However, regular watering very favorably affects the splendor of flowering.

Surfinium ampel cultivation

Plant the plants immediately in large pots or boxes, because after a while they are formed in a fairly large pendant bushes.

The substrate is selected with a weak acidity,loamy or sandy, although on other fertile soils the flowers grow quite well. Adult amphibian surfins need good top dressing and in constantly moist soil. Therefore, it is better to suspend the pots so that they are well protected not only from the direct sun, but also from the wind.

Surfinia ampel photo
Plants must be plucked. This is done when reaching shoots of a length of twenty centimeters. In this case, the bushes will be more lush and faster formed. Experienced growers know that after this, about two weeks of amphibian surfing stop blooming.

This hybrid of petunia reproduces, as a rule, by cuttings, which is better to start in August, so that by winter a young plant grows in flower pots.

When growing seedlings, it is better to use additional lighting, so that the light day lasts at least sixteen hours.

Cuttings are chosen apical and with a length of abouteight centimeters. The lower leaves are removed. Seedlings are poured with moderately warm water. The ambient temperature should be on average 26 degrees.

Hybrid petunia
For good rooting cut cuttings are planted in the soil immediately.

Surpinia ampelnye, like any petunias, areperennials. They hibernate in cool rooms, where the temperature does not fall below five degrees. Plants fall into a "dozing", do not bloom and do not release new leaves, but in the spring they wake up and can even start buds.

Laying them for the winter, you need to cut off all long lashes, so that the bush after waking up is fluffy and symmetrical.

Surfinium ampel, whose photo is very similarcolored bright balloon, with improper care can get sick. This can happen with too much watering, which will provoke the appearance of wet rot. In this case, all the darkening should be removed, and the soil treated with a special preparation.

Often, the surfing flews are affected by late blight, for the prevention of which it is possible to process stems containing copper substances.

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