A few tricks for roses to stand for a long time and not lose their freshness

A bouquet of fresh flowers decorates the interior, createsatmosphere of the holiday and cheers up. Roses are not only eye pleases, but also fill the air with a captivating delicate aroma. But, unfortunately, this beauty is very fragile and short-lived. Is it possible to prolong the life of living flowers, in particular roses? It is not difficult to do this. Today we will share with you some minor secrets. A little effort and the bouquet will look as if the plants had just been cut.

So, a few tips on what to do to make roseslong stood in the vase? Flowers brought from the frost, do not rush to put in the water. Leave them to lie at room temperature for at least half an hour. Then remove all the leaves on the stem. To ensure good moisture absorption, make a cross-cut.
Flower growers believe that the main reason for the withering of cut plants is the clogging of air bubbles in the capillary system of the stem. To avoid this, cut the flowers only under the stream of water.

Vase for roses choose high, so that the stems in the water are at least half.
These flowers like moist air and cool, but nottake out drafts and heat. Therefore, to keep the bouquet long, periodically irrigate the roses themselves and the top leaves with water from the spray gun. Choose a place for the vase away from open windows, doors and direct sunlight.

At night, flowers can be completely immersed incool water, using a bath for this purpose. This will noticeably refresh the plants. By the way, you can use this method if you bought flowers as a gift in advance.

In order for roses to stand in water for a long time, it must be necessarily boiled. If the house has silver, you can use it to fight bacteria.
The liquid will quickly acquire temperatureenvironment, so a small difference in degrees does not matter. Categorically not suitable only too warm or very cold water.

Many mistresses, so that roses stand for a long time, add a tablet of aspirin to the water. This method is very good for individual varieties with large buds and a long stem.

Promotes the preservation of the beauty of fresh flowers and ordinary sugar - a couple of teaspoons per liter of water. By the way, this simple trick is suitable not only for roses.
You can also add in the water for flowers 25 grams of vodka, a crystal of potassium permanganate, tablets of activated carbon, a couple drops of camphor alcohol. Of course, of all this, you need to choose one thing.

In order for roses to stand for a long time, change the water daily, updating also the supplements.

Probably, you all already know that some flowersdo not like the neighborhood. Rose and cloves in one bouquet will not get along. Lilies and lilies of the valley do not combine with any plants. Moreover, they are not recommended to be put even in one room with other flowers. Therefore, for roses to stand for a long time, it is better to put them in separately.

Imported plants to chemistry are familiar, therefore inshops florists use for bouquets water with the addition of bleach or detergent. One drop is enough to destroy harmful bacteria.

Even if the bouquet was not the first freshness, withThe help of thermal therapy can easily be done so that the roses stand long and look perfect. Squash the flower stem so that the flower absorbs moisture easily. Place the roses in hot water with a little glucose.

Another way to revive the dying bouquet is to create a steam effect. Place each bud in a separate bag of polyethylene, fasten it to the stem and leave the flowers in the vase for the night.

If you use fresh flowers in bouquets asdecoration of the interior, it makes sense to buy special preparations. Do you want roses to stand for a long time and delight the eye with bright colors and a delicate aroma? Buy in a flower shop "Quitalin" or "Krizal".

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