Juicy and tasty cherries every year firstopens the fruit season. Everyone loves it, both adults and children. A high content of sugars, presented in the form of glucose and fructose, a balanced set of organic acids and an abundance of vitamin C, as well as hematogenic substances important for hematopoiesis such as iron, folic acid are very important for health. And how many positive emotions cause these cute fruits! Therefore, describing the benefits of cherries, you can not discount the positive psychological factor, by the way, one of the most important in our emotionally tense age.
Cherry "jealous" refers to a variety with a latematuration period. It is very tasty, has high dietary properties, both fresh and for any type of processing. It is consumed with pleasure in a frozen form, in addition, everyone loves compotes and jams. Cherry "jealousy" has a roundish fruit of a dark red color, which grows on trees that have medium height and a pyramidal crown. Branches on them are located at a large angle to the trunk and have an average density, grow rapidly. The variety fructifies mainly on bouquet sprouts. The first fruits can be obtained four years after planting.
Cherry "jealous" - this is the average berry,weight of five to seven and a half grams, having a white dot on the top. This creates a very attractive effect on a dark red, almost black fruit with a dense flesh, growing on an average length of the pedicel. The stone is small and very easily separated. The purpose of the variety is universal, safety during transportation is excellent. For gardeners, it is very important that cherry "jealousy" has, in addition to high quality fruit, an amazing resistance to diseases, and excellent winter hardiness, in which all flower buds are preserved. However, when self-pollinating, no more than five percent of flowers can be tied. As pollinators, the cherry "Bryansk pink", as well as "Iput" or "radich", is suitable.
The growing popularity of this culture is also associated withthe fact that in most regions where cherries are grown, the fungal defeat of coccomicosis is rampant in recent years. The disease weakens and destroys mostly cherry plantations, while cherry "jealousy" and similar varieties are not prone to disease. It retains the leaves until the time of their natural fall, accumulating in this way a sufficient number of nutrients that give it the strength to overwinter. Therefore, cherry seedlings are actively planted in the horticultural areas, which until now were considered unsuitable for this southern culture.
This is promoted by high winter hardiness propertiesvarieties, derived in recent years. The best of them are recognized as "Bryansk pink" and "jealous." In addition, they are more productive in yield than cherry, an average of 70%. This was shown by six-year studies of breeders. Thus, cherry "jealousy" becomes the most profitable and widespread variety, especially in northern areas of horticulture.
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