Pests and diseases of petunia

One of the most beautiful relatives of potatoesand the tomato is petunia. This wonderful plant, unfortunately, is not grown at home, but it pleases us with its flowering on flower beds and in balcony pots. With proper care this small bush is abundantly blooming. There are cases when all efforts of the gardener are not enough, and the plant begins to ache. It's about what diseases of petunia most often occur, as well as how to deal with them, and we'll tell. Let's talk about pests that hinder the healthy growth of these wonderful flowers.

petunia diseases

Diseases of petunia at the stage of growing seedlings

Yes, at such a young age the plant can alreadyget sick with radical decay or the so-called "black night". This is due to a fairly dense seeding of petunia, excessive watering and improperly selected soil. The causative agent of this disease is a special fungus. It is necessary to fight with the first manifestations of the disease immediately. For this:

  1. Remove the diseased plant along with part of the adjacent land.
  2. Treat all healthy shrubs special means against radical decay.
  3. Set up watering. Provide the plant with the proper amount of moisture and avoid stagnant water.

Also at sharp temperature jumps andDifferences in moisture petunia can be affected by powdery mildew. Identifying this disease is very simple: leaves and flowers cover a white coating. In case of detection of diseased plants, they should be immediately removed. All the remaining bushes are treated with sulfur.

What to do to avoid fungal disease of petunia?

Of course, preventing the defeat of plants fungus is much easier than curing. If you follow the following rules, your seedling will avoid these ailments:

  1. Choose an easy ground for seedlings.
  2. The prepared soil must necessarily be steamed.
  3. Do not sow the seeds densely.
  4. Observe the temperature regime.
  5. Ensure optimum moisture saturation.
  6. Avoid an overabundance of fertilizers containing nitrogen.

 Petunia's disease photo

"Adult" diseases and pests of petunia

If you managed to avoid illnesses whengrowing seedlings, control of the plant to weaken in any case impossible. This is fraught with the appearance of yellow shoots or pests. Yellowed leaves are a sure sign of the presence of petunia disease. The reasons for this trouble are many. For example:

  • Violation of temperature conditions.
  • Defeat by pests.
  • Violation of the irrigation regime.
  • Lack of iron.

Virtually all of the reasons are simple enough to eliminate. It is necessary to stabilize the temperature, watering and fertilize. Difficult with pests.



Kind on a plant


Spider mite

Red spider, very small

Covers the web of the underside of the sheet

Spraying with water, tobacco infusion. Ready insecticides


Small insect. More often green, gray or black

Leads to leaf folding

Ready-made preparations


White butterfly


Ready-made preparations

diseases and pests of petunia

If you are at a loss to determine the ailment of your plants, you can always refer to the directories. There you will find petunia diseases, photos for each specific case.

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