Reliable lawn aerators

What if your dream is perfectly flat,green, flawless lawn? Worry about this psychoanalyst, perhaps not worth it. But have enough patience and necessary equipment. And one lawnmower will clearly not be enough. Care of grass consists not only of its periodic cutting.

Lawn Aerators
The beauty of the green lawn depends on the soil. Aerators for the lawn are specially designed to delicately soil the soil without damaging the roots of the plants. The device is equipped with thin plates that pierce the top layer of the soil, thereby improving the access of oxygen, fertilizers and moisture. The sod does not lose its integrity. In addition, such adaptations are suitable for the removal of weeds, moss and last year's grass.

What makes lawn aerators better than traditional ones?robbery? Conventional fan rakes are not able to effectively loosen the soil, but rigid steel structures do it too roughly, pulling the grass off the root. As a result of such treatment on the green lawn gaping bald spots.

Therefore, it is worth using the fruitshuman ingenuity and to acquire suitable equipment for the personal economy. When choosing aerators for a lawn, pay attention to the conditions in which you will operate them.

Now there are three groups of similardevices. The simplest category is mechanics - aerators in the form of rollers, sandals and rakes. The second group is the most eco-friendly - electrical aggregates. They work from the network, are almost silent, do not require constant service and do not "offend" your sense of smell with exhaust gases. And the family budget will not "fly into the pipe" after their purchase. But here on the surface emerges one significant minus. The operation of the machine is limited by the length of the power cord.

So, if your site is quite large,need a gasoline aerator. He is mobile, copes with any amount of work, easily passes complex relief areas. Of course, it will be necessary to refuel the unit with a mixture of gasoline and oil. Do not avoid mandatory inspection. But you wanted an ideal lawn? Yes, and maintenance of the device is not as ruinous as caring for the car. But this does not make you give up the car and change to a bicycle.

gasoline aerator
Whichever aerator you choose - petrol orelectric, it is worth paying attention to its characteristics. The body of the model should combine lightness and strength. The most reliable of them are equipped with aluminum casings or hoists. The high power of the engine allows the device to work longer without "overexerting". Take an interest in the width of the capture: the more significant this is, the less time you will take to process the lawn.

Lawn aerators sometimes extraare supplied with travosbornikami. The device is optional, but you do not want to go back to the treated lawn and remove the remains of grass and debris. It is easier to remove and clean the container of the unit.

Picking up a reliable assistant to care for the lawn, you will understand how easy and, most importantly, with pleasure you can realize your dream.

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