Rooting the violet leaf: features, methods and recommendations

Violet is known to many growers as one of thebeautiful and enchanting houseplants. Its delicate flowers can have different colors, and velvety leaves form a compact bush. Wishing to plant the plant on its own, it is necessary to get acquainted with the process of its reproduction.

Rooting the Violet Leaf most often used by flower growers. This is a simple process that everyone can do. What methods and peculiarities of the violets breeding by the sheet exist today, will be discussed in detail later.

Process Features

Rooting a leaf of a mini-violet, half-mines or other varieties occurs according to the same scheme. This is the easiest way to dilute the presented kind of flowers at home.

Rooting the Violet Leaf

It is best to perform such actions in the summer orin the spring. At this time the plant receives a sufficient amount of light and heat. The plant should not bloom in this period. Some species produce buds almost all year round. Most often, the flowering process ends in March. It is at this time, while the plant rests, you need to have time to take the material for seedlings.

In autumn and winter it is also possible to plant violets,but in this case it will be necessary to solve the problem of maintaining the right conditions for the full development of seedlings. Experienced growers do not frighten it. Even in winter, you can grow the rarest species of violets in the home.

Sheet selection

Rooting of violet leaves begin by choosing the right seedling material. They should not be weak or sick. Otherwise, the offspring of such leaves will be as sluggish.

Rooting of violet leaves

It is not recommended to cut for breeding violetsleaves from the lower tier of the bush. Here they are often weakened and old. It is these leaves that are most susceptible to pest, fungus and harmful microorganism attacks. It is recommended to cut the seedling material from the tier above the lower leaves. It is well-formed, has a pronounced turgor.

If the sheet was transported before boardingstreet (from the store or from friends), it can become sluggish. To restore his vitality, you should prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate with water. The liquid should be slightly warmer than room temperature. After two hours of being in solution, the leaf is disinfected and restores its strength.

Cut sheet

Rooting of violet leaves requires correctpreparation of the material. To do this, it is not enough just to break the sheet. This can lead to adverse consequences. The stalk must be cut correctly.

This is suitable for sharp blade or goodsharpened knife. Cutting surfaces must be treated with alcohol. The selected sheet should be placed on a hard surface. Then one solid movement separates the stem from the plant. The cut must be oblique. It is carried out at an angle of 45 °. The leg should be 3 to 5 mm long (depends on the seedling capacity).

Leave the leaf to dry. It is recommended to sprinkle the cut with activated charcoal. Experienced growers argue that if there is no antiseptic at hand to handle the knife, it's better to simply break the sheet. If an infection gets into it, the consequences will be irreversible.

Transplantation into water

There are two methods that allow the breeding of violets. The sheet can be planted in water or in the ground. To understand which method is preferable, you should consider them in detail.

Rooting a leaf of violet in water is simple. It is necessary to prepare boiled or standing water. The earlier you place the cutting in the water, the faster the sheet starts to release the roots. It is best to use plastic transparent cups in the form of containers for planting. They are thoroughly washed and sterilized.

Rooting a leaf of violet in water

The drop is immersed in water to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The tip should not rest against the bottom of the glass. Fixation is performed by means of a cover. In the paper make holes, passing through them cuttings. In the water you need to put activated charcoal (one tablet). As the liquid evaporates, it should be poured into a glass.

The appearance of roots

Rooting the Violet Leaf In this way, it can takea lot of time. It depends on the plant variety. Usually the first roots appear on the cuttings after 2-4 weeks. Prior to this, it is necessary to control the water level in the glass.

Rooting Time for Violet Leaf

If the traces of rot become visible on the cuttings,Leave the leaf out of the water. It is dried and neatly trimmed with a sharp blade. The new cut must be well treated with activated carbon. This will help prevent the appearance of rot again. After that, the sheet is again placed in water.

As soon as strong roots become visible, the plant can be transplanted into the ground. The pot must have holes in the bottom. A third of it should be filled with small drainage. Above fill the soil.

Transplanting into the ground

Rooting a violet leaf in the ground occurs at a shallow depth. If you plant the stem too deep, the shoots will be difficult to break through through the soil layer. In this case, the plant is weakened. In some cases, the sockets may not appear at all. Therefore, the new rootlets that have started the violet should be close to the surface.

The soil around the leaf should be compacted. Then the plant is watered abundantly. The container with violet is covered with polyethylene. This will help maintain the necessary level of humidity inside. The plant is put in a warm, bright place (but not under the direct rays of the sun).

Rooting a leaf of a mini violet

The package should remain on the ground until the leaf has new sprouts. This indicates that the process was successful. Scions can be transplanted into pots designed for them.

Soil Preparation

Experienced growers argue that when plantingplants directly in the soil, the time of rooting of the violet leaf is significantly reduced. In this case, more new shoots appear, the probability of rotting on the cuttings is significantly reduced.

Rooting a violet leaf in the ground

To make a transplant into the soil, it is necessarypurchase a special mixture. In such a soil includes foam, sphagnum, vermiculite and perlite. You can also prepare the land for transplant yourself. Vermiculite and perlite are mixed in equal proportions. The first component is responsible for providing the roots of the violet with oxygen. Vermiculite loosens the soil and absorbs excess moisture.

Further, the resulting mixture is added to the soil andsphagnum. This component has an antibacterial effect. You can add peat. Such components allow to provide the roots of the plant with the right conditions for full growth.

Landing in the ground

Rooting of a leaf of a violet in a ground occursfaster. However, the correct pruning and transplanting of the material is required. The selected leaf is broken off from the plant. He is cut off with a sharp blade obliquely. If miniature varieties are transplanted, the shank is shortened more strongly. You can leave it only 1-1.5 cm long.

rooting of a violet by a leaf fragment

The cut is treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Half an hour drip dries. At this time in the plastic cup you need to make drainage holes. It is filled with a warm moist soil. A stalk is planted in it. Mini violets deepen only by 5 mm. For common varieties, cuttings can be dug into the ground to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The soil around the sheet is well compacted. Watering the plant is not recommended.

The glass should be covered with polyethylene. Periodically the young plant is aerated. This avoids the appearance of mold on the soil. After transplant, the leaf fades a bit. This is considered the norm. When the plant has roots, it will again become full of energy. Watering is done once a week. To fill a plant or to feed it with fertilizers it is impossible. In this case, the violet will quickly develop the root system. Cultivate the plant in a warm, well-lit place. It is protected from direct sunlight, drafts.

Reproduction by a fragment of a leaf

Rooting a violet by a leaf fragment rarely used. Such an approach can become an exit if the planting material begins to rot. The stem is broken near the base. Sharp knife sheet is cut into several fragments. The blade should be very sharp. Each fragment must have at least one vein.

This method is suitable for rare varieties of violets. In some cases, only a third of the top of the sheet is taken for such purposes. The cut is performed horizontally. The fragment is left for a few minutes. During this time, the edge will be covered with film. Next, the cut location is treated with activated carbon.

The plate is placed in the ground. The cut must fit snugly to the ground. The pot is also covered with polyethylene. When the plant takes root, many shoots are obtained. They appear from every vein of the leaf.

Having considered how rooting of a leaf of a violet, as well as the basic methods of carrying out this process, each grower can independently grow this wonderful plant at home.

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