Convection in the oven - what is it and what is it for?

To date, most modernThe oven is equipped with such a wide range of additional functions that sometimes you get lost when choosing. And after all, each function plays its role in the price, and it is pointless to overpay for what you will not use at all. This is true for most functions, but the convection mode should be in each oven, especially if the hostess is addicted to homemade cakes.

convection in the oven what is it

Convection in the oven - what is it?

This word indicates a special way of heatingOven, which uses a special built-in fan. It ensures free movement of hot air throughout the entire area of ​​the device. As a result of its action, the temperature at the far walls and the door stabilizes to the same values. If you have a table oven with convection, you will no longer worry that suddenly your baking will burn or not completely fried. Thanks to a special fan, the dough is equally processed around the perimeter. Thus, the convection mode in the oven (the designation "=" on the regulator) excludes possibility of burning baking from below and its dampness from above. Many housewives note the usefulness of this function and advise to purchase devices with such a possibility of roasting.

Is convection in the oven mandatory?

What kind of regime have we already dismantled, and now aboutwhether it is worth overpaying for its presence in the device. Of course, this function positively affects the baking quality of the dough and there are no shortcomings (of course, except for the increased price), but if you only use the oven once or twice a year, then this mode is not needed for you. But how can you do without it? It is quite realistic, but you will have to suffer a little. In order to make the baking not raw and not burnt, during the roasting you need to constantly change the position of the pan so that the dough is processed evenly in the chamber. However, here there is a problem not only in time control. It is unlikely that everyone in the house has 4 baking trays for the oven, so you need only use two devices, constantly changing their places. And this, in turn, significantly slows down the preparation of the test (at least twice).

bench oven with convection

For those who like to experiment and everythe weekend spoils seven new recipes for cakes, eclairs and other sweets, just indispensable convection in the oven. What kind of baking is this, if its edges are burnt and the top is damp? That's why the air circulation in the oven chamber is just necessary for cooking such dishes. Plus, your cakes will have a nice crisp crust, which can also be sprinkled with powdered sugar or poured with sweet jam.


Ironically, but a gas oven with suchThe convection mode costs much more than the electric mode with the same function. The difference in the price category is considerable: 25,000 rubles for gas versus 15,000 rubles for electricity.

convection mode in the oven designation

Therefore, when buying, pay special attention to thethen how expensive is the cost of the plate convection in the oven. What kind of regime and how it works, we have already found out, it remains to wish you a successful purchase and delicious baking!

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