Insulation of walls from the inside. Pros and cons of various heaters

Heat creates in every home an atmosphere of coziness andsecurity. But often, as soon as the outside temperature falls below the zero mark, the walls of our houses disfigure the fungus, mold or wet spots. The reason for this is poor quality building materials, technical mistakes made during the erection of the house, poor ventilation, inadequate heating, and cracks. Owners of private homes are easier, they can independently and make heating more powerful, and crack patches. They can also insulate the walls of the house from the outside, which is considered the best solution to the problem of low temperatures in the room. For residents of high-rise buildings, the only way out is to insulate walls from the inside.

Some experts categorically oppose suchworks. But what if people simply do not have a choice. Here you can advise you to choose the best kind of insulation and install it correctly. I want to note that the insulation of the walls from the inside alone will not solve the problem with heat losses in the room. Also you need to insulate the floor, the ceiling, for example, the attic, eliminate the cracks in the windows and in the doors. This is the only way to achieve tangible results.

The market offers a wide choice of insulation,each of which has positive and negative sides. The most common basalt fibers, polystyrene (expanded polystyrene), warm plaster, mineral wool, ceramic paint.

Basalt heaters are non-combustible, the most environmentally friendly, but are afraid of moisture and quite expensive.

Warm plaster is applied without priorwall alignment, it has a long service life, "breathes", that is, does not give rise to mold, but it is hygroscopic and has fewer heat insulation characteristics than other materials.

Mineral wool is a light, non-flammable material,which has good thermal insulation properties. Its disadvantages are hygroscopicity, that is, absorption of moisture and lack of environmental friendliness. In many countries, the insulation of walls from inside with mineral wool is already forbidden.

Warming (ceramic) paints very easilyare applied, quickly seize, not hygroscopic, do not reduce the area of ​​the insulated room. Disadvantages in their price and in high consumption. Usually, 1 liter of such paint should be used for 1 square meter of the wall. You can also call it a disadvantage of a lower thermal insulation than other materials.

Insulation of walls with foam plastic from the inside is oneof the most economical and easiest to install. Polyfoam has excellent thermal insulation properties, does not absorb water, a good sound insulator. Disadvantages in its flammability, fragility (it breaks down with the slightest mechanical effects), and lack of environmental friendliness. Although in all developed countries, polystyrene is readily used not only in construction, but also in other areas (as packaging material).

The technology of performing work with its useis simple. First you need to level the surface of the wall and treat it with an antifungal agent. Further on the foam sheet is applied a special construction adhesive. With its help (imposing more or less), you can align the wall no worse than plasterboard. Attach the foam under the bottom from the corner. If there are gaps between the sheets, they are closed with glue or they insert the strips of foam that are needed along the thickness. You can use a mounting foam. For a stronger attachment strength, you can use special nails (fungi), clogging them at the corners of each sheet and in the center. Carrying out the insulation of the walls from the inside with polystyrene foam, the master should make sure that there are gaps between the wall and the heater, otherwise condensate will be collected there. After installation, the construction is fixed with a reinforcing mesh, on which a layer of building glue is applied. From above, it is covered with a primer, and then it is finished according to the tastes of the host.

If the walls are insulated from the inside properly, the heating system works well and sufficient ventilation is provided, as a rule, no problems arise in the form of a fungus and condensate.

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