Wireless self-charging: the principle of operation, successive assembly steps

Since the eternal source of energy has not yet beeninvented, you have to regularly recharge the batteries of cell phones and various digital gadgets from the mains. It is not always possible to do this in the usual way by means of a wire and a socket. Some advanced companies have already started producing models that can be charged simply by being on the site of a wireless device. According to their example, "homemakers" do not stand aside, and try to improve even some button phones.

wireless charging by hands

New? No, the long-known "old"

To understand how wireless charging worksfor the phone, you need to remember Nicolas Tesla and his way of transferring energy from a distance. With the help of a device that works by the method of magnetic induction, he managed more than 100 years ago to provide an entire state with an electric current.

How is it used now? In the charger is a built-in coil, which is the creator and transmitter of the magnetic field on the device's antenna. The receiving loop is a flat spiral coil placed directly under the cover of the phone. Electromagnetic radiation occurs only after the receiver is placed in the transmitter field. Then, through the capacitors and the rectifier, the energy acts on the battery.

First, let's talk about the disadvantages of using the device

Can there be negative aspects to such a remarkable invention? It turns out there are several of them:

  • It is not known how high-frequency impulses affect human health;
  • marked the low efficiency in the transmission of energy in this way;
  • for a couple of extra hours increases the time of full charge;
  • if at every opportunity, without waiting for the battery to be completely reset, to put your phone on the charger, the working capacity of the battery will quickly decrease;
  • if the circuit on which wireless charging is collected by one's own hands is not completely correct or if the wrong accessories are used, the battery may overheat, which is "not good".

Other information is not yet available.

wireless charging for the phone

Instructions for modifying the "button"

The charger input does not workwires on the old phone? Now this is an easy task! Take a little more than a meter of thin copper wire and rolls into a flat coil of 15 turns. To keep the spiral shape, it is fixed with super-glue or double-sided tape, leaving a couple of centimeters of wire for soldering contacts. With the charging jack of the phone, one end of the coil is connected through a pulse diode, the other through a capacitor. Wireless charging, made by myself, is not a joke, but the use of the laws of physics.

To make the transmitting contour, turns 1.5 cmThe copper wire is laid on a circle with a diameter of 10 cm. The winding is sealed with an insulating tape or tape, leaving both ends of the wire free. Thin copper for the transmitter is wound 30 turns in one direction. The circuit is closed by a field-effect transistor and a capacitor. Wireless charging (with your own hands) is ready: if the phone with the receiver under the lid is put inside the transmitter ring upward, the battery will begin to receive energy.

wireless charging for iphone

Universal wireless charging for phone

Laptops and Cameras, Cameras and Tablets- All these devices require constant power. In addition, it is very inconvenient to store at home or carry a whole set of several different wires. To get rid of this inconvenience, some time ago several leading world manufacturers of mobile communication equipment agreed to maintain a single standard in the use of chargers.

Gadgets that support this feature,are marked with the Qi logo. It is planned to equip such cafes, libraries, other public places with such technical equipment. IKEA is developing samples of furniture, in the working panel of which will be built-in wireless charging. With your own hands you will only need to put the phone or laptop in the designated place (for the night or lunch time), as the energy will begin to flow.

wireless charging for samsung

Really smartphone and iPhone also have to disassemble?

Wireless charging for Samsung todayday is the most unusual, since it is a functional computer monitor that supports standard operating systems. The installation of this device allows not only to free the work surface from unnecessary wires for mobile phones, feeding them at a distance: when the gadget is placed on its site, charging starts automatically, and on the monitor supporting the universal Qi standard, a green LED light comes on.

Not so long ago, the inventors of Nikola Labsdemonstrated one of the covers. This wireless charging for iPhone is able to accumulate uselessly squandered radio frequency radiation from Wi-Fi signals, converting it into energy. Thanks to this miracle, the working time of the smartphone is extended by almost a third.

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