Delonix royal - tree-fire

The top ten most beautiful trees in the world are"Tree-fire", "red flame", "flaming tree" - Delonix royal. His native land is considered the dry deciduous forests of Madagascar, but the plant grows on other continents. The tree is decorative, so it is planted as an ornament in parks, squares, along roads. Especially a lot of it in America, where Delonah was brought back in the XVII century. But the plant has a practical advantage: it does not grow to a height of more than 12 m, most often about 9 m, but the crown is very spreading and creates an excellent natural shelter from the scorching sun in hot days.

delonianis royal
Delonix royal although born in the tropics, butis able to withstand prolonged droughts, but to the frosts it is not customary, the minimum temperature for it is at least -1 ° C. In sunny regions where the air temperature remains high and precipitation does not drop out for a long time, the tree sheds foliage for several months in order to save a reserve of moisture, and in other areas it is a beautiful evergreen plant.

The leaves of delonix are twice pinnate, bright greencolor, their length reaches about half a meter and has up to 40 pairs of primary leaves, which in turn are divided into 20 pairs of secondary sheets. This beautifully flowering tree amazes with its beautiful large flowers, collected in multiflorous racemose inflorescences. They consist of five petals, one of which is slightly longer than the others and differs in color. It is called a sail and serves to attract insects.

delonial royal firewood
Practically in all the warm corners of the globeyou can meet Delonix royal. The fiery tree is cultivated in Africa, Australia, the Caribbean islands, southern China, South Brazil, Thailand, Cyprus. In the northern regions, for two winter months, the plant sheds leaves, which again appear in the spring. Flowering occurs in June and lasts from one to two and a half months.

Delonix royal is unpretentious in care, notrequires the introduction of fertilizers, it is practically not attacked by pests. With age, the tree becomes more beautiful, and its flowering is more abundant. In gardens or squares, watering is specially reduced at the end of winter. As a result, Delaunix royal in the late spring is covered with lush bloom. The plant should grow in open areas in order to receive sufficient lighting.

delonial at home
In countries with frosty winters, the Delonix Royalcan not grow outdoors, so it is often grown in the form of bonsai. Such a tree is best placed on the southern window, and on especially hot days do penumbra, so that the leaves do not get a sunburn. In summer the plant feels well at temperatures up to 30 ° C, and in winter - not below 12 ° C. During the rest period, Delanix royal leaves may be partially or completely discarded. At home, you need to provide the tree with high humidity, as fertilizer you can use fertilizer for flowering plants. The transplant is carried out annually in the spring months.

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