Children's bed with a side for babies

When a newborn appears in the house, parentsstrive to provide all the necessary conditions for its comfort. Creating a cozy crib is extremely important for a child of any age, but for a baby especially. In the first days and months of the child's life there are not so many places in which it is comfortable and safe. It, certainly, arms or hand of mum, a carriage, a cradle.

A cot with a side can create thethe comfort that your baby needs so much. Bortics (sometimes they are also called bumpers) are necessary for both newborns and older children. Restricting the territory where the child sleeps, the skirts make it look like the place where he spent the previous nine months. When the child grows up a little, he will start spinning in his sleep, pushing the legs and handles between the bars of the bed, which is very dangerous. Any unsuccessful move can frighten him.

A baby bed with a sideboard makes it much easierlife of young parents: the child does not throw away toys and pacifiers. The height of the sides should be medium, if they are too high, this can disrupt the air circulation and prevent the growing person from visually studying the surrounding world.

Best if a cot with a sidewill be completed with natural materials: flannel, calico, chintz. Fillers are better to choose synthetic - holofayber, sintepon. This is the perfect combination of softness, lightness and hypoallergenicity.


Crib for children of five to seven children's bedyears, produced by many manufacturers, you may not need. It is worth thinking about, will not the sidebars interfere with your adult growing up? For security reasons, they do not need him anymore, and a thin canopy is enough to separate the crib from the playing area.

Whichever child bed you bought,With your own hands you can sew soft and beautiful edges. To do this, you need 5.5 meters of natural cloth and 2 meters of sintepon with a width of 150 cm and a thickness of 1 cm. The shape of the product can be very diverse - it all depends on your imagination.

Today you can buy not onlytraditional protective cushions for a crib, but also developing models with interesting pictures, sewed rattles, rustling details, mirrors and other entertainments for the baby.

ordering of children's furniture
In occasion of, whether are necessary in a cotthere are two opposing views. Some parents consider this accessory completely useless, because the child still pushes the handles and legs between the sides. They restrict the flow of fresh air. However, the supporters of this detail are much larger.

There are situations when the standard, bought instore the bed does not fit in size or design. In this case, it is more expedient to place an order of children's furniture in accordance with all your wishes. When buying a bed for a baby, pay attention to the materials that were used in its manufacture. Give preference to natural wood and cotton fabrics.

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