Red currant Sugar and its cultivation

Red Currant Sugar, bred recently,belongs to the early varieties, it has a sweet dessert taste. The variety is fruitful every year, gives an excellent harvest, the length of the hands reaches nine centimeters.

Red currant sugar

History of cultivation

Red currants were grown in Russia even inmiddle Ages. True, at first it grew at the monasteries. They used it not only as delicious berries, but also prepared medicines and tinctures from it. In this case, not only fruits, but also leaves were used.

Already in the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries, the currant from the monasteries spread throughout the country and became a permanent resident of the gardens. This applies not only to red, but also black, white currant.

By the way, it should be noted that in Europe red currant is more popular than black currant. And in the US it is grown in industrial quantities.

The content of useful substances

What is useful for red currants in addition to the fact thathas a refreshing taste and aroma? Not in vain tea from leaves and dried berries has long been used for pain in the heart and increased pressure. It turned out that berries contain a significant amount of coumarins, which reduce blood coagulability and prevent the formation of blood clots.

According to the content of coumarin (2.5-4.4 mg%) redcurrant has overtaken such a popular berry, as a black currant, came very close to the fig and grenade. Few people know that in the red currant a record amount of iodine (5-6 mg%). This is not inferior to the widely publicized feijoa.

redcurrant sugar

The presence of a large number of pectins in redcurrant has a cleansing effect on the body. It is capable of removing salts of heavy metals and radiation, therefore it is so useful to workers of harmful production and to inhabitants of large cities.

Morse from red currant is used forcolds, which is associated with his sweatshop and antipyretic effect on the body. Patients with urolithiasis and gout are advised to use juice or jelly as a diuretic.

Red currant redcurrant: Variety description

Among the many modern varieties, a dessert is allocated. This red currant (Sugar cultivar) is bred by domestic breeders and has already gained popularity.

The height of the bushes reaches two meters. Red Currant Sugar is resistant to diseases and yields of up to four kilograms per year.

Its berries (weighing up to half a gram) are collected in clustersup to nine centimeters. Bright red fruits have a pleasant taste and are sure to appeal to lovers of sweet and people with high acidity.

Red Currant Sugar: Specifics of Growing

The cultivation of red currants on the garden plot presents no difficulties. Grow it easier than the black currant. Consider the advantages:

  • less susceptible to disease and pest damage;
  • due to the deep occurrence of roots less need for irrigation;
  • brushes are distributed along the entire length of the branches;
  • Skeletal branches bear fruit more seasons than the black currant.

Red Currant Sugar reviews have only positive. Here are some tips for planting seedlings.

red currant sugar reviews

For planting it is recommended to select wellIlluminated areas with light soil. The best time for planting bushes is spring or autumn. If planting is planned in the fall, then it is advisable to do this in September, so that the bushes can take root. When planting, mineral fertilizers are introduced. The bush is planted under an incline, the top is watered abundantly and mulched. Seedling is pruned, leaving twigs with 3-4 buds.

Bushes have straight growing branches, soPlant seedlings at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. In regions with strong winter frosts, bushes should be sheltered for the winter. During the flowering and ripening of berries, the currant is recommended to be well watered.

Red Currant Sugar requires annual pruning of old and diseased branches and the formation of a bush.

Feedback and application

The variety was introduced by domestic breeders taking into account Russian climatic conditions. It is distinguished by winter hardiness, high yield, compactness and resistance to diseases.

Red Currant Sugar, whose reviews are only appreciated, has become widespread in Russia. Many gardeners note its unpretentiousness at cultivation, dessert taste.

Red currant Sugar is good for eating fresh, and for preparing blanks for the winter.

currant red sugar variety description

In addition to the traditional jelly and fruit drinks that our mistresses from the red currant prepare, we can recommend preparing the following dishes from the berries:

  • sauce for meat or fish, popular in European countries;
  • compotes;
  • liquor.

We advise you to plant such a wonderful berry on your site.

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