Tomato pepper: features and varieties.

Russian breeders do not stand still, not soFor a long time, on the basis of the traditional form of cream, varieties were distinguished, distinguished by long and narrow fruits. The new selection was named - tomato "Pepper", or "Long-fruit". All varieties are of the indeterminate type, fruits are very sweet, with fleshy walls and empty inside. The following signs may vary in most varieties: growth, yield, resistance to disease, tendency to crack, keeping quality, color, weight and shape of the fruit. The name "Pepper" selection of long cream was obtained thanks to the structure of the seminal chambers with voids, as well as a certain external similarity with peppers. There were also drawbacks: as a rule, from seeds purchased in bags, plants grow, prone to apical rot and cracking of fruits. It is worth preferring varieties of folk selection.

Tomato "Pepper-like striped" - this variety is characterized by tallness, up to 2meters. In a brush, up to 9 berries are formed, red tomatoes with non-expressed yellow strips, their mass varies from 80 to 200 grams. Good for pickling and pickling. Also, a stunted, low-growing variety of this variety is produced, with a fruit mass of up to 250 grams.

Tomato "Pepper-plated 9804978" - refers to the medium-sized (1-1.7 m) andsrednirannim, the weight of the fruit - 80-100 grams. The fruits are red, with a thin skin, are good for salads and sauces, the disadvantage is that they fall easily during the ripening period, so you need to collect it every day. Very similar varieties - "Tomato pepper" pink and yellow.

Variety "Auria" (exact analog of "Eros") The bush height is up to 180cm, the fruits are very long - up to12 cm, red and dense in consistency, very lezhkie, good and fresh, and for conservation. The cream tip is bifurcated. "Eros" with the same characteristics is distinguished by orange berries.

The cultivar "Italian square". The bush is tall, the plant is resistant todiseases and gives good harvests. The fruits are red, ribbed, on a section with rectangular sections, the width is very small - 2.5 cm at a length of up to 13 cm. Good for whole-fruit preservation and, thanks to good storage and dosage, suitable for long-term use in fresh form.

Grade "Tropical semi-giant" refers to tall trees. Fruits are very large to 400 grams, red, up to 10 cm long, fairly thick and with a characteristic "beak" on top. The purpose is universal.

Grade "Goldfish" - exceptionally tall, grows in the form of an arch,very prolific. The plant is covered with berry brushes from top to bottom, thanks to which it looks very decorative. Yellow fruits of medium size (up to 150 grams) and about 10 cm long, differ in the fineness of the skin, are very sensitive to uneven watering, are very tasty and suitable for fresh consumption.

Tomato pepper-like "Pappier Russian" ("Purple rush") - a rare tall variety, with exceptionally delicious fruits of unusual crimson-brown color, the mass of fruits up to 100 grams.

Variety of tomato pepper-like "Khokhloma" (exact analogue of "Chukhloma") These varieties are similar to the "Golden Fish": high-yielding, with a fine taste and juicy pulp. The ability to tie fruit is high, and the temperature range is very wide. "Khokhloma" is red-fruit, "Chukhloma" - with orange berries.

Variety of pepper-tomato "Main love", also tall, can give excellenta crop without a whining to the trellis and pasynkovaniya. The fruits are large - up to 350 grams, red, up to 10 cm long and fairly thick (in shape something resembles sausages), are good in fresh form and for making sauces.

Variety "Sabelka" - bright red fruits of medium size (150-250 grams), excellent taste, thick walls, seeds practically absent. Good for fresh use and whole-fruit canning.

Every year, and not only in our country, but also in the world, the popularity of long-bodied tomatoes is growing. And the merit in this belongs to Russian enthusiasts-breeders.

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