Child and humidity in the apartment

Even before the birth of a child, parents arewhere to equip a place for a baby, how to put a crib, what to buy. An important issue is the definition of the "right" temperature and humidity parameters in the room where a small child will be. Many people will now think that it is a question of buying a heater or plastic windows for insulation. On the contrary, let's talk about the importance for the child of clean, moist and cool air, the negative effect on the baby's body of excessive dryness and heat.

The temperature and humidity in the apartment, where the baby is, should be such that to strengthen the health of the child from birth.

After spending a few days in the hospital, my mother notices,that the column of the thermometer in the ward stands at 22, or even 24 degrees, no devices, such as humidifiers, are nowhere to be seen. From this she concludes: the warmer and drier, the better. Arriving home, she immediately strives to turn on the heater, close all the windows and warmly dress the baby, so as not to chill out. Roddom is a place where there are many mothers and children. And every mother has her own concepts and principles. If the temperature in the wards is 18 degrees, then almost every woman in childbirth complains that it is cold in the maternity hospital, so the baby can get sick. So the health workers are trying to please such mothers, so that there will be no further complaints.

In fact, the warm and dry air is veryadversely affects the child and does not add health to him. Everyone knows that local immunity is a mucus that is produced in the nose and upper respiratory tract. It contains antibodies that actively fight against viruses and bacteria that have entered the body. If the mucus dries - the immunity will weaken, and the pathogens will penetrate inside. Do not allow the mucus to dry out properly the right temperature and humidity in the room.

A small child is afraid of hypothermia, but stillMore it prevents overheating. High temperature of the air contributes to the fact that the child is not able to lose heat through the lungs, so this process occurs through the skin. As a result, the child sweats, which contributes to the loss of water and minerals that he needs. The optimal air temperature in the room where there is a child is 18-20 degrees. It is better to warm up the baby and make the temperature 18 ° C - let it breathe cool air.

The optimal humidity in the apartment is an importantthe factor of maintaining the health and immunity of the child. Children who breathe dry air, are more often and heavier sick. What kind of humidity should be in the apartment? Normal indicators - from 50 to 70%, the minimum allowable limit is 40%. From this it follows that in every house where there is a small child, there must be a device that measures the humidity of the air in the apartment. This device is called a hygrometer. If the humidity in the apartment is less than permissible, which is very often the case during the heating season and in the summer, it is necessary to purchase a humidifier.

Humidifiers come in different shapes and sizes,different design and with different functions. There are humidifiers with built-in sensors that show the temperature and humidity in the apartment, with the function of steam heating, with ionization and other parameters. There are quite simple and inexpensive models, the only function of which is to humidify the air.

If you plan to have a baby, thena humidifier, a thermometer and a hygrometer is a list of necessary purchases. Providing the child with comfortable conditions, you will strengthen his health and increase resistance to diseases. Do not listen to grandmothers and girlfriends advising you to close all doors and turn on the heater - be guided by common sense and caring for the baby. Clean, cool and humid air in the room where the baby lives will provide him with a healthy sleep and good health throughout the day.

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