How to plant grapes cuttings in the spring? Grapes from cuttings

Grapes are unusually useful, and at the same timevery tasty berry, which can be grown anywhere in Russia. However, in order to obtain a healthy plant that yields a good harvest, it is necessary to have certain knowledge. So, let's look at how to plant the grapes with cuttings in spring correctly. Which way of planting should be preferred?

how to plant grapes cuttings in spring

Variety choice

When deciding which grapes to plant,it is necessary to take into account the resistance of a particular variety to pests, diseases, and unfavorable weather conditions. It is best to give preference to those varieties that are famous for their stable fruit bearing, good pollination and the strength of the ovaries. So, when choosing grapes for planting, it is worth paying attention to varieties that bring juicy, sweet and large fruits: "rapture", "Harold", "galbana know", "arcade" and "aladdin", "impulse", "gadahad" "kishmish No. 342", "hope of the Azot", "coderyanka", "friendship", "Timur", "Lora".

Harvesting cuttings

Healthy cuttings of selected varieties should beharvest during the spring pruning. The ends must be dipped in the melted paraffin, wrapped in a damp material and laid on a shelf closest to the ground.

It is necessary to get cuttings on the eve of spring. Determine where they have top and bottom and cut the bottom with a knife. It is important that the cut pass under the lower kidney. Using an awl, perform 3 longitudinal incisions between the two lower kidneys of the cuttings. It is from the places of incisions and the lower bud that the root system will develop.

care for grapes in spring

Features of the content of cuttings in spring

Immerse the cuttings for three days in a container withsolution of honey (2 tbsp honey per 2.5 liters of water). This will awaken them from hibernation. Then plant cuttings in plastic bottles, the soil in which should consist of land, sawdust and humus, taken in equal quantities. During planting, care should be taken to ensure that the two lower buds are in the soil, and two more are above it. Then you need to moisturize and slightly mix the mixture in the bottle and set the planted cuttings on the sill, located on the sunny side.

Water the plants with standing water once every three days. After watering the soil must be loosened. After a month the kidneys will swell, leaves will appear. Soon the time will come for them to land in the open ground.

Planting time

Many inexperienced gardeners are interested whento plant grapes with cuttings? The best time for disembarkation is considered to be early spring. And the event should be held until the moment when the process of juice movement has begun in the plant.

grapes from cuttings

Bulk beds or trenches?

The way in which the landing will take placegrapes cuttings, is of great importance and directly affects crop yields. If you give priority to the reliable protection of this thermophilic plant from winter frost, you should prefer trenches or a box. The clever method has undeniable advantages:

  • the roots of the plant are deep, and so in winter they will not freeze;
  • in the trenches it is much more convenient to cover the vines;
  • summer watering grapes is more economical and more convenient;
  • In the spring the plant is not afraid of recurrent frosts.

When the grapes do not get enough heat in the summer, it's worth picking up loose ridges:

  • In spring, the roots begin to warm up earlier and throughout the season they get the amount of heat they need;
  • bushes are strongly protected from underflooding;
  • it's much easier to fight with weeds;
  • Grapes provide an excellent air regime.

How to plant grapes with cuttings in spring onsites where groundwater is located deep enough, or in regions for which snowless winters are characteristic? In this case, it is worth giving preference to landing in the trench. In areas with insufficiently warm summers, a stable snow cover, and also with close-lying groundwaters, the best yield can be obtained when growing grapes on ridges.

Disembarkation into pits

Before planting the grapes with cuttings(in the spring), it is necessary to prepare the trench in advance, from autumn. It is recommended to locate ditches in the direction from north to south, in which case the sun will cover the plant quite well throughout the day on all sides. The width and depth of the ditches should average half a meter.

proper planting of grapes
To fill the pits it is necessary to preparesoil mixture. To do this, mix in equal amounts of humus, topsoil, gravel and coarse sand. Also in the mixture is required to make mineral fertilizers with potassium sulfate and superphosphate, with most of the top dressing should be located in the bottom of the pit, thereby ensuring the best nutrition of the roots.

When filling a trench, it is necessary to slightlyTamp her feet, and at the end of the process, water the land with a solution of potassium permanganate. The grape berries will be more sweet and aromatic if the bottom of the trench is lined with a layer of small stones or coarse-grained sand, which provides better aeration of the soil.

When installing cuttings into planting holesit is recommended to use pegs, due to which the plant will grow more evenly, and it will be easier to tie it. On sandy soils, it is necessary to deepen the root system of the grapes by half a meter, while on clayey soils - by 20 cm.

grape planting

The correct planting of grapes involvesplanting roots of the plant with soil, the layer of which should equal 10 cm. From above, grapes should be covered with mulch, and then cover the trench with film. Such conditions contribute to a faster heating of the soil, so that the shoots will develop well. Remove the film is necessary with the onset of warm days, prisypaya with bushes soil.

Landing in the ridge

When planting grapes in a loose bed of rootsplants gradually expand in depth and breadth, staying in favorable water, air and temperature conditions. Loose soil provides the best aeration of the roots, at which oxygen is accessed regardless of environmental factors. And on rainy days, the root system is well protected against waterlogging. As with the creation of a trench, for ridges it is required to prepare the soil. For this purpose, it is necessary in an equal proportion to mix the gravel-sand mass, humus and loam, add superphosphate, as well as potassium sulfate.

The most optimal width of the ridges is 1meter, and height - 0,3 m. In order to provide the roots with good protection against frost, the slopes are recommended to be sloping. At the same time, if the winter is not very snowy and accompanied by severe frosts, then the probability is high that the earth will freeze. In order to preserve the roots of the plant from freezing, it is advisable to cover the slopes with corrugated cardboard.

In the mounds of the earth should be set pieces of pipe,the diameter of which should be of the order of 30 cm, this is necessary in order that the feeding of grape and its watering would bring the maximum benefit to the plant. In order to improve the air regime of the soil, it is useful to strengthen the slopes with empty bottles, sticking their necks in the soil.

Grapes care in spring after planting

Grapes - capricious culture, requiring special attention and care. Begin to care for grapes should be immediately after planting. So, what should be the care of grapes in the spring?

when to plant grapes with cuttings

Since when planting bushes in the soil was introduceda sufficient amount of fertilizers, there is no need for additional fertilizing during this period. The main thing is to monitor the condition of the earth, not to allow it to dry out, for which it is recommended to regularly water this berry culture. Caring for grapes in the spring also means loosening the soil and destroying the weeds on it. Here, perhaps, and everything that includes the concept of spring care for grapes in the first months of his life.

Prevention of pests of plants, protection fromdiseases, pruning, shelter for the winter - this is only a small part of what a beginner gardener who decides to grow grapes will have to face. However, all these activities are carried out in the following months of plant life.

If you clearly know how to plant grapes cuttingsin the spring, and even to provide the plant with the required care, then you can safely expect that soon you will certainly enjoy the delicious and useful fruits of this culture.

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