Primrose primrose. Decoration of the spring garden

"Pervotsvet" - this name belongs exactly toprimulas, despite the fact that there are other plants blooming before. They paint meadows, corners of gardens and parks with gentle golden yellow flowers. Most primroses are modest plants with small flowers. They are also called "sheep" because of the shape of young leaves and "clavicles" because of the inflorescences reminiscent of a bunch of keys.

A medicinal flower from all the ailments of the primrosewas considered from ancient times. It was called the flower of 12 gods. And with her many beautiful legends are associated in many countries, glorifying her healing power and beauty. And not without reason. After all, only one leaf of primrose is able to replenish the human body daily requirement for vitamin C, which is important for anemia and malnutrition. In Russia it was a flower of vivacity and health.

In nature, you can count about 550 species of primroses - in general, plants unpretentious to the environment of growth. But this flower prefers slight shading, as it wilts in the hot summer sun.

To date, the interest is represented by primrosegarden, various types of which decorate country plots, courtyards, well-kept parks and squares. This flower attracts the views with its gentle coloring and is the highlight of any garden.

At the end of April, the first delicate flowers pleasespink primrose primrose. It blooms before others. And the flowers appear even before you can see the first leaves. The plant requires careful treatment, because it is afraid of drought. In the dry season, periodically need to water these flowers, which will decorate the flower beds before the flowering of perennials.

A little later, at the beginning of May, the primrose bloomsgarden pruhonitskaya, whose leaves are small and wrinkled during the flowering period of the plant, and are often colored in purple. This flower grows up to 10 centimeters in length. It is attractive, first of all, with bright colors and indescribable shades.

In the middle of May other garden flowers blossom -primula finely toothed. Unusual, spiraling-folded leaves appear in her early spring. The length of the peduncle in this plant can be up to 40 centimeters. This type needs periodic irrigation.

The middle of May is the peak of flowering, when a specialcharms are pleasing to the garden flowers. Primula polyanthus blooms with a violent color, becoming the main ornament of the gardens. A distinctive feature is the large flowers, reaching 8 centimeters in diameter, while the height of the peduncle reaches 30 centimeters.

At the end of May, the garden garden blooms and pleasesflower of primrose Siebold, which remains without leaves already somewhere in the middle of the flowering period. But it grows very well and for two weeks turns the place of its growth into a spectacularly luxuriant flowering carpet. This plant is suitable for a moist and shaded part of the garden.

In late June, begins to bloom a giant primrosegarden. It has powerful roots that can withstand meter honeycombs. It grows best on moist soils. Some bloom with tiers, others have bell-shaped peduncles, but all necessarily have large, delicate leaves.

In England there are clubs of fans of auricula -this is a garden flower of the primrose earwax, which has evergreen, bluish, smooth and fleshy leaves. The stem of this plant is thick and branched, and numerous flower sockets are located at the ends of the peduncles.

The subject of dreams for many gardeners areterry primrose. There are about 20 varieties in the world. Them with varying degrees of success and grown in central Russia, but they are the most stable two species with lilac and pink flowers and a pale lemon-yellow. Florists are working in this direction, adapting and other polyanthus varieties of double primroses. The primroses multiply seeds, but it can be made faster by dividing the bush. The right time for this is the end of July. Growing garden primroses makes it possible to admire the first spring flowers.

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