Cucumber Ecole - a beginner in seed production

The birthplace of a popular plant worldwideis India. Cucumber is one of the crops grown since ancient times, it is about 3000 years old. Heat and balanced watering are important factors for obtaining high yields.

New in the line of seeds

Cucumber Ecole - a new parthenocarpic hybrid,cornified. During 2009 and 2010, research trials were conducted, and in 2011, customers were offered a novelty of cucumber seeds. A powerful plant mass at the beginning of the growing season helps to increase the resistance to cucumber mosaic viruses and diseases of powdery mildew and cladosporium.

cucumber Ecole

Features of the Ecole hybrid

The variety of cucumbers has its own distinctive features:

  • The plant looks compact. On the bush, thanks to short internodes, the growth of additional shoots is self-limited.
  • Multiparty in the node. Under favorable conditions, from 3 to 5 fruits are formed.
  • Short period before fruiting. Approximately 40-45 days pass from shoots to the first harvest.
  • Cucumber Ecole is famous for its high yield -10-12 kilograms per square meter. When grown in greenhouse conditions, the intensity of ovary formation increases, the productivity of the bush increases significantly.
  • With proper agrotechnics - longthe period of fruiting. In greenhouses with the possibility of heating the soil and air during preparation with additional illumination of early seedlings, the cultivation can begin in February. The last harvest in greenhouses and in the open ground, provided that there are no low temperatures, are collected in September. In private households, in order to obtain an early harvest, they are grown in film greenhouses.
    Ecol, a variety of cucumbers

In the southern regions and in large greenhouse complexes with a powerful backlight cucumber Ecole can be planted twice a season. Autumn harvest will be lower, but the taste of the fruit will remain excellent.

Characteristics of the vegetable

  • Large-lumpy fruit of cylindrical shape with spines.
  • The variety is suitable for collecting small fruits (pickles).
  • The length is 7-9 centimeters. The ratio of the length and width of the fetus is 3.2: 1.
  • Memorable bright green color.
  • Cucumber Ecole is suitable for fresh consumption and has perfectly proven itself as a product for processing. Canned fruits remain tasty and elastic.
  • A distinctive feature, laid genetically, we can note the absence of bitterness. Even under unfavorable growing conditions, the taste will not change.

To obtain a high yield,fertile soil in which to increase the aeration you need to add rotten leaves or sawdust. When adding fresh sawdust, it is important to monitor the nitrogen balance, since the cucumber is demanding for this substance.

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