Energy-saving heating from "Nikaten"

Ceramic heaters Nikaten - convenient andEconomical solution for home and apartment. They do not warm air, but objects. Thanks to this, the heat in the room is distributed evenly, and not going under the ceiling.

Advantages of heating from "Nikaten"

Energy-saving heaters:

  • They are universal. They are used in apartments, shops, banks, industrial premises.
  • Easy to install. The panel in this plan resembles a fireplace with high efficiency. You do not need to design a project and approve it. To invite experts for installation too it is not necessary. Fasten the holders in the walls, hang the panels on them and connect them to the mains.
  • Economical and effective. Panels work up to 8 hours a day. At the same time, the room is warmed up to 22-23ABOUT.
  • Convenient. Set in each room the temperature at which you feel comfortable.
  • They are safe for health. Maximum panel temperature 80ABOUT. You will not be burned by it, even if you accidentally hit it. Such heaters are noiseless and do not dry the air in the room.

energy-saving heating

With panels "Nikaten" you will save from 40 to 85% of the cost of heating. You will receive a manufacturer's warranty for 5 years, but the panels will last you for 25 years.

Types of ceramic panels "Nikaten"

Ceramic heaters differ in capacity, size and area of ​​the heated area:

  • The NT200 is the most compact and inexpensive option. This is a panel measuring 30x60x4 cm, weighing 7 kg. It is able to heat the area up to 4 m2 and a volume of up to 10 m3. At an hour, such a heater consumes up to 200 W, per day - up to 1.4 kW.
  • The NT300 is a more powerful heater. It consumes up to 300 W per hour, up to 2.1 kW per day. At the same time it is capable of heating a small room with an area of ​​6 m2. The panel dimensions are 40x60x4 cm. It weighs 11 kg.
  • NT330 - ceramic heaters, consuming 330 watts per hour and 2.3 kilowatt per day. This is a panel measuring 60x60x4 cm, weighing 14 kg. It heats up to 7m2 area and up to 18 m3 volume.
  • NT330-1 is a more efficient model. It consumes the same amount of energy as the NT330. But this energy-saving heating will heat up 8 m2 area and up to 20 m3 volume. The panel weighs the same 14 kg, but has not a square, but a rectangular shape: 30х120х4 cm.
  • NT500 - the panel in the size 40х120х4 see. It consumes in an hour up to 500 W, per day - up to 3,5 kW. Such energy-saving heating will fill up with spacious rooms up to 10 m2 and up to 25 m in volume3. The panel weighs 22 kg.
  • NT600 - the largest and most powerful panel. Cope with heating 13 m2 and 33 m3. At the same time it weighs 28 kg with dimensions 60х120х4 cm. It consumes up to 650 W per hour, up to 4.5 kW per day.

ceramic heaters

To calculate the cost of energy-efficient heating from the "Nikaten", use the calculator on the main page of the site. Enter in the empty fields the area of ​​your house and the electricity tariff, and then click on the "Calculate" button. You will find out how much you will pay per month if there are frosts in the street -20about.

All types of panels are made in 5 colors:

  • beige;
  • pearl;
  • graphite;
  • coffee;
  • Nero.

Energy-saving heating from "Nikateen" will harmoniously fit into any interior.

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