Diseases of the ficus: species and treatment

One of the most elegant plants used inroom floriculture, of course, is ficus. Growing this culture, first of all, it is necessary to remember that all ficuses without exception can not tolerate the effects of direct sunlight and a draft. However, they are all light-loving, and this feature should be taken into account when planting a plant.

Unfortunately, like any other living organism,ficuses are susceptible to various diseases. Very often you can see that the ficus yellow leaves and gradually showered. There are several reasons why this phenomenon occurs.

  • Many plants react negatively to dryair apartments. Is not an exception and ficus. The leaves turn yellow, as a rule, in those specimens that are located next to batteries or other sources of heat. Solving this problem will help spraying.
  • The second reason is the change in conditionsaccommodation. Ficuses do not like to move, so pick up a flower for the place that suits the plant (enough heat, light, moisture), so you, that is, where it will not cause inconvenience. In case you decided to transplant the plant into a more voluminous pot, very carefully consider the choice of the substrate. It should consist of peat, sand and leaf land, mixed in equal proportions. After the transplant, moisten the ficus, but do not overdo it.
  • Sometimes leaves turn yellow due to excessive orinsufficient moisture. Remember that before the next watering the land must completely dry out. If you or your relatives have flooded the plant, do not water for the next two weeks. In case the leaves continue to crumble, transplant the flower into fresh dry soil, while cutting off the decayed areas of the root system.
  • Of course, ficus disease and pests alsocause the death of foliage. In this situation, the only way out is treating the plant against diseases. Before you start using drugs, you need to figure out which pest has attacked the plant. When diagnosing a ficus disease, pay special attention to the condition of the leaves and stem.

Indoor plants like humanthe body is prone to fungal and bacterial diseases. One of the most common is anthracnose. The causative agent of this dangerous disease is various kinds of imperfect fungi belonging to the genera Gloeosporium, Colletotrichum, etc. A characteristic feature of the presence of this disease in the ficus is that characteristic dark-brown spots appear on the foliage, which later degenerate into deeper ulcers. Over time, most of the leaves are completely covered with necrotic spots that cause the death of the plant. It is necessary to fight this disease in the following way. Tear off all the anthracnosed leaves. Treat the entire plant with a systemic fungicide. Additional measures to combat anthracnose are ventilating the room, reducing watering and completely stopping spraying.

Fungi and bacteria are not the only reasonsthe occurrence of diseases in indoor plants. Often, the disease of the ficus is due to excessive watering. Dropsy is one of the most common diseases in ficuses caused by improper care. It appears in the form of cork growths, which are formed on the reverse side of foliage. Unfortunately, it is impossible to revive the leaves affected by dropsy. But if you create comfortable conditions for the ficus, new leaves will soon grow.

Watch out for the environment, do not overdo it with watering plants, and then the ficus diseases will bypass your pet side.

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