Cleaving Philodendron: Home Care

Homeland common enough roomPhilodendron is South America. In this part of the world grows a huge number of varieties of this plant, which can be treelike, shrubby, and climbing. As decorative decoration of apartments they are appreciated for beautiful glossy leaves.

Philodendron home care

As a houseplant is grown normallyclimbing philodendron, care at home for which absolutely not complicated. This plant is completely unpretentious and requires not too much attention.

Climbing philodendron, like all representativesthis kind, loves the lighted places. However, the peculiarity of this particular variety is that it tolerates penumbra well. When growing this decorative plant requires the presence of twine stretched along the wall or window and wrapped in moss or imitating its synthetic material. Philodendron, care at home which is, above all, in sufficient watering, also requires periodic moistening of leaves and stems. Spraying plants, you need to try to make it so that water would fall on the twine. The main watering is carried out in such a way that the soil is not waterlogged and does not dry out.

Experts advise to transplant the plant once intwo years into a more voluminous pot. However, most lovers of indoor flowers perform such an operation only as needed. That is, Philodendron, home care for which is simple, is transferred to a new location only if the old "dwelling" for him is not enough. Most often it only requires removing the surface layer of soil with a thickness of about 5 cm and changing it to a new one.

philodendron photo care
In order for you to have an approximaterepresentation of how the plant looks, on this page at the very top is represented by a climbing philodendron (photo). Care of it is also in the plucking of the upper processes. If you carry out this operation regularly, this already beautiful plant will become even more magnificent and spectacular. In the event that the window on which the pot is facing the south side, it is better to slightly pritenit flower. As already mentioned above, he loves the illuminated places. However, too much exposure to sunlight can lead to burns on the leaves.

Several different care in warm and colda period of time requires many indoor flowers. Philodendron in this regard is no exception. From April to October, this plant should be watered more intensively. In winter, the frequency of humidification should be reduced. The lowest temperature that this flower can tolerate, +16 aboutC. If the room is cooler, it will not die, but it will noticeably decrease the intensity of its development.

house flowers philodendron

From excess moisture, the roots of Philodendron climbingcan corrupt. This process can be observed by the state of the leaves. If their tips, and then the edges, began to turn white, the frequency of watering should be reduced. Ignoring this process will lead to the withering away of the plant. Sometimes leaflets can be affected by aphids. In this case black spots appear on their back side. Then you need to apply the appropriate drugs, which can be found in a specialized store.

The filodendron multiplies very simply. In order to grow a new plant, you just cut the petiole with a well-developed leaf and, having processed the cut with the rootstock, stick it into the ground. The latter should always be well hydrated. The pot is kept in a shaded place until the plant is taken.

Philodendron, care at home for which absolutely uncomplicated, - the plant is very beautiful. It certainly deserves to be used to decorate an apartment or office.

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