PSF plywood - what is it? Moisture-proof plywood PSF

If the repair will be used plywood PSF,what it is, it is necessary to understand. This material has an increased moisture resistance, however, it is not possible to use such cloths for interior finishing. This is due to the fact that in the manufacture of substances and impregnations that can be harmful to human health are used.

Characteristics of plywood grade FSF

plywood fsf what is it

The material described differs not only inexcellent qualities of moisture resistance, but also high mechanical strength. It also characterizes durability for these fabrics. All these features make it possible to use such sheets for roofing and manipulation where concrete is involved. If you are interested in PSF plywood, what it is, you can find out in this article. It is used in the automotive industry and in car building.

Production features

plywood fsf

In the plant conditions beech, pine,Birch veneer, which passes the process of preliminary peeling. Phenol-formaldehyde resins are used as adhesives. Bonding of sheets occurs under the influence of high temperature and high pressure. After the canvas pass the stage of cooling, marking and come for vylezhivaniya. At the final stage, the goods are packed and sent to the points of sale.

Technical features and dimensions

Quite often today in constructionplywood is used. What it is, it is important to know before purchasing materials. On the market of building products, you can buy linens that have a length and width of 2440 x 1220 millimeters. As for the thickness, it can vary from 4 to 21 millimeters. If you want, you can buy linens, the length and width of which is 2500 x 1250 millimeters, respectively.

plywood grade fsf

At shearing, the strength of the adhesive layeris equal to 1.5 MPa. Professionals quite often are interested in what is the boundary of strength under static bending. This figure for the material described is 65 MPa. Density can vary from 670 to 800 kilograms per square meter. Humidity, as a rule, is within 8 percent. This figure can vary in both directions by 2 percent.

If you buy plywood PSF, what is itsuch, it is important to know. As one of the main characteristics is the way of processing, thus, the sheets can be ground or not polished. You may be interested in the content of formaldehyde resin per 100 grams of dry matter. This figure is 8 milligrams. The maximum deviation in width and length can be equivalent to 2 millimeters in both directions.

Scope of use

plywood фсф 4 4

Do not know what can be used formoisture resistant plywood? It is used today in many areas of construction and industry. With its help, many types of work are carried out. Thus, the material can be used to arrange the roof, in this case it is used in the arrangement of the dredging system. If it is a question of construction, then the FSF is used for general construction works. Quite often sheets of this moisture-repellent material are involved in the construction of cars.

Features of laminated plywood

waterproof plywood fsf

Plywood PSF can have a laminate coating. In this case, raw materials are used from birch. In this case, the material from both sides is covered with a special film, which can be melamine or phenolic. If we talk about the standard coating, then it has a dark brown color, the density of the sheet in this case is 120 grams per cubic meter. At the request of the customer, a film can be used that has a density of 80 grams per cubic meter.

Features of laminated plywood

Moisture-proof plywood PSF can have a thicknessfrom 9 to 40 millimeters. The standard dimensions are 1220x2440 mm, 1250x2500 mm. Density can vary from 680 to 700 kg per cubic meter. Distinguish the material also in the class of emission of formaldehyde, the described cloths correspond to E1. Humidity does not exceed 10 percent. The surface may have a different texture, for example mesh, smooth or paper, the latter of which is intended for further staining.

Pros of laminated plywood

Plywood PSF moisture resistant laminatedprevents penetration of moisture, has excellent resistance to abrasion, chemicals, and fungus. These properties make the laminated material indispensable in the creation of wear-resistant surfaces by the type of reusable formwork, billboards, caravan covers, and also during monolithic concrete work.


The plywood of the FSF 4/4 is increasingly being selected todaymodern consumer. This is due to the fact that the sheets are resistant to the appearance of cracks, and with their help you can provide a fairly quick installation. As noted in the reviews, the canvases are easily amenable to processing, and also tolerate temperature fluctuations. The surface is not corroded and is easily cleaned. Plywood can be combined with other materials.


Depending on the external variety of the outer layer, birch plywood may have one of five varieties. The letter "E" denotes an elite variety. Next come varieties 1, 2, 3 and 4.

The sorts of PSF plywood are denoted by a combination of varietiesveneer on the front and inner layers. For example, I / I, I / II, II / II. You can use in the building that grade, which will meet certain requirements. It is important to take into account the expected load and the impact of external factors when choosing a material. Only then you can count on the fact that the material will show all its best quality characteristics, and also will serve for a long time, not assuming carrying out of repair work and replacement of separate elements. If you yourself can not figure out the varieties that are on the market of building materials, then it's best to contact specialists who will help to make the right choice.

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