We decide what is best: wells or wells?

The construction of a country house is associated with a massissues, and the first one concerns water supply. This is due to the fact that often there is simply no possibility to connect to city communications. In addition, the house beyond the city limits assumes that everything will be completely autonomous. And then the question often arises: what is better - wells or wells? In this situation it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer. Everything depends not only on the preferences of the owner of the site, but also on the type of terrain, as well as on a number of other factors.

What is better than wells or wells
When determining what is best - wells orwell, it is worth to say separately about the well on the sand, as there is no sense in comparing it with artesian. The latter option at times exceeds all other methods of water extraction, both in terms of costs in terms of financial resources and labor, and the quality of water obtained from it. In addition, an artesian well is almost impossible to drill on its own, and for this it is also necessary to obtain a license for the work.

Well or well at the cottage
Determining what is best - wells or wells,It is necessary to say about what categories can be divided into all the underground waters. This is vadose, ground and artesian. Below is the very first aquifer under the surface of the earth. Its replenishment is due to the atmospheric precipitation and melting of the snow, so it usually has a seasonal character. The quality of water in this case is very low, so it is unsuitable for drinking. Groundwater usually lies between a pair of waterproof layers. They will be considered as a source of water when deciding whether wells or wells are better.

Drilling a well in a well
It is from the depth of thiswater-bearing layer, and the answer to the question will depend. Usually, the wells are excavated to a depth of no more than twenty meters. The construction of wells at great depths becomes unreasonably expensive. Deciding what will be - a well or a well in the country, in this case it makes sense to choose the second option. If we are talking about the proximity of groundwater to the surface, then the choice depends only on the preferences. The digging of a well is a simple and understandable matter in technical terms. If you drill a well and a large stone appears on the way, the diameter of which is commensurable with the diameter of the well itself, this can be a big problem. Since the well usually has a much larger diameter, any obstacle can be easily removed.

If the water pump for some reason leaves thebuilding, water from the well can be obtained in a traditional way - by means of a bucket, and it can not be done from a well. At the mouth of the well, you can go down to examine the walls, and examination of the well without specialized means is impossible. Therefore, in terms of ease of maintenance well is much better. Among the minuses of the well can be identified a significant amount of excavated soil, which must be somewhere to put. At the same time, time can also be considered a negative factor. However, if necessary, you can drill a well in the well. Then you will have a much larger flow of water.

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