Glass facades: practical kitchens

Kitchen sets can be made fromdifferent materials. Now popular doors, inserts of glass, which give the lightness and airiness of the composition. Glass facades are made of durable and safe tempered glass. They are strong and not subject to dents, scratches or chips.

Kitchens can be matte, translucent or colored. Glossy material is similar to MDF and looks very aesthetic. In addition, the glass is quite practical.

glass facades

Glass facades: advantages

Furniture made of glass has the following advantages:

  1. High strength. Glass facades for kitchen from plexiglass are not subject to deformation and do not change the appearance when exposed to high temperatures, steam. This glass passes special treatment and becomes high-strength, capable of withstanding heavy loads. And the furniture from it looks elegant, thin and fragile. In addition, it is safe to break it very difficult. And if it was possible to do it, the glass will not hurt, since it will dissolve into small parts.
  2. Easy cleaning. Remove soot and dirt is not difficult. Washing of glass facades is carried out with the help of care products, which improve the appearance of the surface.
  3. Brightness of color. The paints permanently retain their color and do not lose their brightness under the influence of sunlight, since the coloring pigments are introduced directly into the glass during manufacture.
  4. Ecological compatibility. Furniture does not smell and does not emit harmful substances.

glass facades for kitchen

Are the glass facades perfect? There are also drawbacks. The first is a high price. And another disadvantage is that the glass is successfully used in modern kitchens, but for the classical style it does not fit.

Types of facades

In the modern interior is used completelyglass facades or glass inserts. They decorate with all sorts of patterns, reliefs, color, tint. These actions give the material a unique look. A number of manufacturers glue the glass with a transparent reinforcing film on the inside for safety. Some use plexiglass, which is more practical. Effectively look facades with photo printing, they can be applied to any image.

Glass facades allow you to createoriginal, elegant and stylish kitchen designs. To them you can add elements from aluminum - you get a high-tech kitchen. And in combination with chrome-plated structural elements the room is filled with an atmosphere of glamor and luxury.

washing of glass facades
Comparison with kitchens from other materials

Kitchens from the facades of chipboard inferior to glass, because the material used is fragile, prone to deformation, deteriorates from moisture and steam. Also, the chipboard in the composition has harmful synthetic resins.

MDF allows you to create bulky and convexdesign, which is impossible with glass forms. But glass facades are more durable, as MDF is subject to mechanical influences and does not tolerate dampness.

Facades made of wood also deteriorate under the influence of moisture. Kitchens with aluminum profiles are not inferior in strength to glass.

Now there is a huge selection of materials for the kitchen. But the glass facades are practical and fashionable!

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