Portulak garden: how to weed out the weed

In the southern regions, on the melons and vegetable gardens, it is often possibleto meet an unusual plant, which is considered a weed, as it is found in large quantities in open spaces. Questions about how to get rid of the garden porter, are relevant where you have to use new plots or those that are fertilized with litter and contain the seeds of this plant in large quantities. The plant is one-year-old, afraid of frosts and multiplies by seeds, whose germination is comparable to the seeds of the known weed grasses - wheatgrass, quinoa, lobster, amaranth (known to us under the name "shirica"). It has a core root and a high capacity for vegetative reproduction.


What is this plant growing in the garden?

Weed porridge garden - annualherbaceous plant with fleshy, strongly branching stems, wedge-shaped leaves resembling a scapula, and bisexual sessile yellow flowers. The root is slightly branched. Its shape depends on the soil in which it is necessary to grow portolaku. The fruit is a box with small seeds, which after drying cracks and spreads them for a distance of up to 2 meters around the mother plant.

It is curious that portralak is in all the reference books of medicinal herbs. It uses both a stem and seeds. Blossoms portolac, from June to frosts.

The plant completely can not stand the shade and is goodgrows only in open solar areas. In addition, it has high-efficiency C-4 photosynthesis and waxed leaves and stems, which allows it to grow rapidly on soils with low nutritional content and not suffer from excessive insolation. Blooming portolac eagerly visit bees, especially in dry summers, when other meados are inaccessible.

Handbooks of medicinal plants recommendPortolac garden as a means of accelerating the heart rhythm, increasing pressure, dilating blood vessels. Fresh juice of portolac helps to treat infections of the eyes, heals wounds, and the salad from the leaves of this plant is an excellent vitamin remedy for scurvy. Therefore, before you destroy the porcelain garden at your site, think about whether to dry the grass or feed it to pets?

Portulak garden: cultivation in culture

the fight against portals of the garden
Those for whom the struggle against Porlacagarden, it may be interesting that there is a cultural form of this plant. Sometimes it is also called porcelain vegetable. This form is distinguished by more durable, erect stems, larger fleshy leaves, which can be painted in various shades of green. There is evidence that this plant was grown by the ancient Egyptians. In Europe, it was introduced into culture in France in the 17th century. The burning, sour-tart taste of young leaves, shot before flowering, gives a piquancy to green salads, which include a porcelain garden. How to get him off the site, the French did not think, because this plant was brought here and was specially grown on beds.

Specific features of weed growth in your area

A little bit of such unusual and usefulweed like a gardener. How to get this plant, you can understand from the peculiarities of its cultivation. Portulac rarely grows even in partial shade. Therefore, planting trees and bushes an open site, where there is a mighty locust, you will quickly get rid of this plant.

To prevent crossbreeding

The seeds of this plant are remarkably tenacious andcan maintain germination in the earth to 40 years. Large bushes of portalak for a season can give up to 3 million small seeds, which are effectively scattered by cracking boxes. Do not leave the collected plants on the site, if they have green boxes. Seeds also ripen well in them, and already this year at a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees shoots again appear.

Portulacus garden how to withdraw

However, of the millions of seeds that have risen, onlyunits survive to fruiting. Portulac - the plant is fragile, at a young age afraid of spring frosts. However, adult specimens leave well if cut off at the soil level. They give a powerful lateral growth from sleeping buds, which are located at a depth of 2 cm from the surface of the earth. That's why it's better to pull out the plants with the root.

Another reason why you should clean uptorn off weeds from the site, is the ability of the porter's garden to root with green cuttings and leaves. Broken in the node shoots in wet weather form air roots and well acclimatized.

The harm of the hoe

Do not try to get rid of weeds with a chopper. In fact, this tool only propagates gardening porcelain. How to deduce it, we will tell below.

portluck garden measures of struggle

A similar situation is observed when tryingto use a cultivator. All the ways in which the canola is divided into parts, do not destroy this weed, but increase its quantity on the site. Cleaning the cut bushes with rakes reduces the number of branches and leaves left on the site, but does not give them the opportunity to get rid of them completely.

Use of herbicides for plant control

Use of systemic herbicides is notThe most effective method of combating such a weed, as a portalak garden. How to get him out of the garden with the help of garden chemistry? It's unlikely that you will be satisfied with the answer to this question. The presence of a waxy coating on the leaves of the portolaka provides him with high resistance to chemicals. There is an opinion that higher doses of poisons help, but they fall into the soil and harm cultural plants, and also find themselves in vegetables and greens. Therefore, herbicides are the least effective in this case.

Agrotechnical methods of combating pestilence

Knowing the characteristics of growth allows you to fight againstweeds most effectively and without harm to the environment. For example, provoking watering is good. It is held two weeks before sowing or planting of cultivated plants. The site is excavated and watered until emergence of weed emergence. Then they are chopped to the maximum possible depth and removed.

how to destroy a seahorse

Deep digging is also effective. Seeds of pestilence can germinate only if they are not deeper than 2 cm from the soil surface. When they get to a great depth, they do not sprout.

A good method of combating pestilence is also mulching soil. To do this, you can use straw, sawdust, hay. The depth of the mulching layer must be at least 4-5 cm.

Mechanical methods of struggle

If your site has captured a seahorse,Control measures should include the timely collection and destruction of plants, spring digging of the site, preferably performed before the end of night frost, the removal of weeds before tying the seeds. The most effective is the manual removal of this weed on wet soil, allowing it to completely pull it out and immediately remove it, preventing it from growing again or becoming entrenched.

It is important to understand that every piece of stalk orThe leaf left on the ground can soon turn into a new plant. Therefore, after the rakes are removed large plants, you should carefully collect all the small parts of this weed.

The best way to fight is prevention

It is very important to detect the appearancethe first shoots of such a weed, like a port-lager garden. How do you get them out at this stage? It is enough to detect and carefully pull out the plant and remove all the broken twigs.

how to get rid of the garden porter
A universal preventive tool isagrofilm. No weeds can grow under it. Over the summer, it helps to effectively destroy seeds located in the upper layer of the soil, preventing emergence of harboring pestilence next year.

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