Mysterious tulips: black flowers in the garden

The idea of ​​creating a unique flower with blackpetals originated as far back as the 16th century, when bulbous plants imported to Europe acquired unprecedented popularity. The way the black tulips were taken out and what is needed for their cultivation at home today is shared by experienced flower growers. Grow your own mystical variety, of course, it is quite difficult, but even the beginner can use ready-made onions.

tulips black

History of the origin of mystic varieties

The first relatively successful attempt to createpure black tulips belongs to an unknown Dutch breeder, who presented his offspring in 1637 during a magnificent festival in Harlem. However, the plants he derived were still imperfect. The color of the petals was black and purple, and in bright light - dark purple. Then followed nearly three centuries of fruitless attempts to improve the color. The black tulip remained an unattainable dream of collectors. Already in 1891 the famous breeder Krelag presented to the public a new kind of bulbous flower, which was named La Tulipe Noire. The deduced novelty was also not completely black. The petals had a violet color, but were clearly darker than their predecessor. Thanks to the Krelaga, the most popular varieties were created today: Black Parrot, Black Pearl and Black Beauty. The most popular tulips are black (even in bright light) brought forth by the Floremans florist. The name of an amazing variety has received the corresponding - Queen of Night. It should be noted that nature can not create a purely black plant without the use of chemical treatment, probably never. Therefore, those wishing to receive unique flowers should take advantage of one of the already existing varieties.

black tulips pictures

Grow black tulips easily

For bulb planting, you need to select the appropriateplace in the garden or in the suburban area. Very good look tulips against a juicy green lawn, but for the integrity of the composition will have to plant from 30 to 50 plants. We need to ask what exactly black tulips will be: the photo will help to find out not only the appearance, but also the size of the flower. For medium and large garden varieties, bulbs are planted to a depth of 10-13 cm, keeping the distance between plants at 7-10 cm. Sand is necessarily poured onto the bottom of the hole. This is done for better drainage and prevention of root souring. On top of the tulips, black is sprinkled with a mixture of sand and fertile soil. To the heads of handsome men do not grow small, after the blossoming, the whole stem is immediately removed, leaving only two leaves for normal feeding of the daughter bulbs.

color black tulip
After flowering and yellowing of the leaves, the tulipsDig for winter storage. Before hiding all future planting material until next year, it must be dried in warm shade. If watering was sufficient, you can get two or three daughter bulbs. To combat fungal diseases, tulips are treated with a fungicide. For storage use gauze or unpolished bagel bags, which hang in a well-ventilated room. The ideal temperature is 16-20 degrees.

Attention: if the black tulips suddenly blossomed with flowers covered with attractive white veins, this may be a manifestation of a dangerous disease - "variegation". Affected plants and bulbs must be removed, otherwise the virus will destroy all available plantings.

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